6 Conscious Tips For Unwinding Down As A Projector

Human Design, Unearthing Projectorhood


waking up to the conditionings

For most average human beings, when we are out and about in our lives, balancing and navigating our professional life, relationships, social life, self-care, our healing journey, a whole day can feel rather overwhelming and exhausting. Even more when you are a Projector.

In the industrious world we live in, most of us are overworked more than ever, more disconnected with our bodies than ever- this includes the very overworked sacral beings as well.

Many in the world are awakening now, awakening and opting out from this unsustainable, ceaseless hustle and grind culture, doing for the sake of doing, or people-pleasing, and not pursuing what truly excites them in their gut (sacral beings) and for us non sacral beings-Projectors (Manifestors and Reflectors alike too) many are awakening from the falsehood of the doing culture that has been incorrect for us in our energetic body. Many are choosing ease.

As one of the most conditioned (energetically speaking) energy types in the world, we Projectors came into this world to be conditioned- and it is not a bad thing.

Conditioning is the influence of energy external of us, this is commonly experienced through our open/white centers. It is when we are surrounded by energetic interactions external of us, that we may absorb and amplify other’s. Being conditioned is a natural dance of life and it is an effect of how our auras interact with one another. It is part of our human experience that our soul choose to live as a Projector ( or any other energy type for that matter) and it should not be feared or berated.

Human Design offers us a powerful opportunity to have an awareness of how our energies are engaged with the external world. When we develop an understanding of our energetic blueprint, we hold the confidence to sieve through the conditionings of the world, we are able to hold the detached wisdom in knowing, “ this is not mine, this is his/hers/theirs. My role is to just mirror it to them and guide their energies when I am invited.”

Conditioning is a mechanical process and it illuminates what we have and what we innately do not have; what is borrowed; what can we leverage on; what can we detach: what we can hold in confidence and witness.

Conditioning only become an issue when they interfere with our decision-making process.

de-conditioning is the process that gets us there.

Nevertheless, a day of auric interaction with the external world can feel overly stimulating, overly energizing and perhaps tremendously draining specifically for sensitive beings like us as Projectors. This is more so, if we are living our not selves of not utilizing our energy correctly. Even more if we are stepping into the roles of the initiators, the doers and the multi-taskers in our day to day lives.

Our white and undefined centers are points of conditionings but they also hold wisdom that can be utilized as a mirror to guide and support the other. The more white (undefined) centers one has, the more one is prone to empathetic burnout. Take a look at your personal Bodygraph, how many white centers (undefined) do you have?

awareness is not change.

awareness is not change until you make new choices.

the process of making new choices is the process of integrating who you want to be in your day-to-day life, and over time that process of consistently making those choices becomes embodiment.
— adam roa

I always believe that de-conditioning at the highest form is when we instil practical application of our newfound awareness and integrate them in our daily lives. Awareness is not change until we decide to take embodied and practical steps towards showing up differently than we did before- the firm grasp of acknowledging and distinguishing energies that are not ours to sustain and knowing when to let that go. It is about showing up more authentically towards our highest expression and activation of our genius and divinity.

Human Design offers us a glimpse of our energetic blueprint, it illuminates how our aura interacts with the world. This interaction is all mechanics and invisible, but is deeply felt in our body. In my personal de-conditioning and projectorhood journey, I have since developed and applied conscious practices in my daily personal and professional life, particularly in my journey as an entrepreneur.

Having awareness of our daily conditionings and unique dance with life, allow us to prioritize our container so we can support our energetic mastery and show up in our highest and most authentic expressions. Below are 6 conscious tips Projectors can begin today to support ourselves in unwinding down at the end of the day.

Unwinding Down As A Projector In Human Design

6 Tips On Unwinding Down As A Projector

  1. Be In Your Own Aura/ Prioritize Alone Time

Being in our own aura for any energy type is extremely important. Especially as Projectors, it is an opportunity for us to decompress from the external world and the conditionings we may have absorbed and amplify on a day to day basis.

As a non-sacral being, our energetic body is incapable to produce and keep up with the enduring life force sacral energy in the first place. It is often that we may end up exceeding the energetic capacity of our bodies and easily exhaust ourselves- often not knowing when enough is enough. What we do need, however, because of the constant absorbing and magnifying of energies during the day, is to decompress that energy so we can ease into rest and allow our nervous system to return to its homeostasis. Prioritizing at least an hour in the evening to be in your own aura or by sleeping alone makes a significant and restorative difference. Always consider the auric presence of any sentient beings 6 feet/2m around us when you are in your own aura. Being in our own aura as a Projector allows us to prime ourselves for recuperation, resilience, clarity, wisdom and the correct invitations and recognition to come through in life.

2. Understand and Experiment With Your digestion & Environment Variables

An often overlooked part of our Human Design is understanding our variables (aka the 4 arrows) in our body graph. Our variables are designed to cognitively support the activation of our divinity as an empowered Projector. It is a deeper substructure of our design and reveals information of our unique divinity. It helps us refine the way we nourish our body and mind so we can live in greater alignment with our design, not against it. All 4 variables are important aspect to consider in our de-conditioning and projectorhood journey. However, we will consider only the digestion and environment variables as they are focused more on our body (unconscious) rather than the mind (conscious).

Our digestion arrow (Top Left) governs how our brain and body best digest with food and external stimuli.

  • Left facing- as a left facing, you have an active brain in which structure and consistency is supportive for you. You may notice that having the same and familiar evening ritual/location/downtime feels the most supportive for you. Perhaps it could be reading in your lounge chair in your downtime before your fall asleep on the bed, perhaps it could be listening to the same genre of music on your headphones, or watching netflix, or a journaling practice etc. Lean into these routines as you support yourself in unwinding down.

  • Right facing- as a right facing, you have a passive brain, where you as an individual thrive with fluidity, freedom, spontaneity and variety. You may notice that your evening ritual, solo downtime and/ore bed activity (read below) are mostly non-linear and non- specific. You may notice that you prefer to see how your body feels like during the moment and flow with its decision. You may also prefer variety and notice that you do not thrive with a singular repetitive activity every evening as you unwind. Your day to day routines are rather fluid and you notice that you rarely follow through or stick with it ( and that is fine as that is how you are designed!). Be open to the activities that feels good in your body and trust where that nudge leads you, it is not something to make sense or to be compared with left facing individuals.

Our environment variable Projector Human Design

The environment arrow (Bottom Left) governs which environment nourishes your body, especially important after you are 30. Being in the right environment will help reduce resistance in your life, support you in your healing your burnout and energetic overwhelm; help you see what you are meant to see and support you in the art of waiting.

  • Left facing- Observed Environment. Here to be observed and seen by others, important for you to have consistency and familiarity in your surroundings and environment, here to be active in life, in order to thrive. Your correct Environment energizes your natural level of activity, regardless if it is work, play, rest. Always ask yourself, “What is my natural level of activity right now? How can being in the correct environment support me in it?”

  • Right facing- Observer Environment. Here to be the observer, important for you to be in a new, different environment/place to feel inspired, here NOT to be active in life. Your correct Environment relaxes you and sets you at ease. If you have a right facing arrow, consider what your environment is- is it blending caves, dry kitchen, external market, wide valley, artificial shores, passive mountains? As a right facing environment individual, you are designed to observe and consume the world. This could be through people/news/book/social media/music etc, make sure they are healthy use your discernment in what feels good to your body and what should you pass on. Think of incorporating elements of your environment and set yourself for greater rest before you end your day.

    As a selective cave (left facing) individual, it is a non-negotiable that I like my back facing the wall and have control of who comes into my space. Light or dark lighting does not really make a big difference, but I do prefer airy and a lot of ventilation. In the day when I am either working out, creating, writing or focusing on simple tasks, it is important for me to be very picky about who comes to my space and that it is not uninvited. I also noticed that I do not do well when I have my back facing the door, where strangers come and go and I do not have much control, it affects my natural level of deep work and I feel distracted easily. In terms of priming myself for rest, I do thrive best when my lights are off, a little side lamp and/or candle is lit and the room is dark, almost cave like. It supports me in feeling safe and rest. That being, my back facing the wall and I have control of who comes in. I do notice that I sleep the best with blackout curtains too.

    You can find more information of all 4 of your variables on Genetic Matrix and choose Personality/ Design on Select View. Your Digestion and Environment variable is in Design.

    3. Have dedicated and separate work and personal spaces

    When we separate our work and rest spaces, we honor the boundaries we have within our daily lives and with ourselves. Especially if one mostly works from home and/or have children or other family members, having a designated area for work like an office room or work desk reminds you to know when to do your work, where not to bring your work to and when you should not be disturbed by others. It is having allocated and designated spaces in your home that are shared with others. Think of using these elements within your household as habit stacking and creating conscious, mindful work-rest spaces and practices. Make sure you never take your work to your bed as you may not be able to decompress effectively. Create a rest space that is as sacred and cozy as possible.

    4. Have A Bed Activity Before You Feel Tired

Unlike sacral beings, Projectors, likewise with other non-sacrals like Manifestors and Reflectors are not recommended to go to sleep already exhausted. It is important for our bodies to feel relaxed as we ease ourselves into sleep. If we head to sleep completely knackered, one may find that the sleep has not been nourishing and restorative. By resting before we feel exhausted/tired, we allow our energetic body to re-calibrate and prepare itself for a restful, restorative sleep. Complement your desired activity with your digestion and environment variable and experiment with it!

Do also avoid engaging with any bright light from screen activities as the blue light from screens reduces the production of melatonin which is the hormone that governs the pineal gland in the brain which helps regulate our natural circadian rhythms (sleep/wake cycle) that is essential for deep nourishing rest.

Personally, coupled with my selective cave environment and active digestion, I enjoy reading my kindle (with dim light), listening to relaxing, theta wave state music with my noise cancelling headphones in the dark room. Once i find my eyelids closing, I know it is time to sleep. Obviously, this will not work for everyone and remember right facing individuals are here to make more room for fluidity and variety even with the selection of their bed activity.

5. Re-create Sleeping Arrangements That Works For Everyone

In our de-conditioning journey, the most noticeable turbulence arises in the relationships with our loved ones, especially when they have not embarked on the self-discovery trail or even know anything about their Human Design, let alone live their Design. It is in this phase which calls for necessary boundaries and loving and honest (albeit, difficult) communication. Establishing new sleeping arrangements to experiment with may be taken the wrong way by our partners. One has to however prioritize the experimentation and provide loving assurance that it is not personal but a way of self-nourishment - energetically.

One does not have to immediately sleep in a separate room right away. Experiment and build it up slowly. One can experiment sleeping separately a once or twice a week and build it up from there. It is important to take note on your partner’s needs and check in with how they feel as well. More than usual, they will feel great sleeping alone too.

If both of you are non-sacral beings (yay, perfect), I would recommend resting in bed together before you are knackered to have a restful sleep. Know that you both have each absorbed your fair share of energies from the external world separately and need to decompress individually too. What I have personally noticed after dating an MG, I definitely slept a lot better when I was sleeping alone. However, if he had his sacral energy used up during the day, and is tired before he sleeps, I/we sleep terrifically. That is a suggestion if your partner is a sacral being. Encourage them to use up their juicy, sparkly life force energy during their day. It is their divinity as a sacral being to do so.

6. allowing room for adjustment and flexibility

Above everything that I have mentioned, allow space in your life for experimentation and continuous adjustments and pivots. It is important to know that following our strategy and authority precedes everything above. However as a Projector, one does not has to wait for an invitation to make changes in our personal life, however where it does concern others, our relationships and our insights/wisdom/skillset/time/guidance, following our strategy and authority is imperative.

The variables are a deeper substructure of your Human Design, and it has to always be viewed with your entire bodygraph chart. One can understand and arrive clarity with this thoroughly by having a session. In all of my 1:1, supporting my clients through their unique variables is an important part of our session.

One of my biggest callings since awakening as a projector is to serve other projectors like yourself. I have once felt overwhelmed, clueless and alone too. De-conditioning and stepping into our projectorhood can feel confusing at times. Do check out my other free resources in “Unearthing Projectorhood”. I have designed my free resource, “Projector’s 3 Agents of Change Guidebook” to support projectors like you in becoming and feeling empowered as we decondition and embark on our projectorhood journey. In this 30+ page toolkit, I share my tried and tested ( line 3 here) personal in depth-expansive practices to assist you in activating your projector divinity today. Read more about it here.

If you are looking for something physical and tangible to support you in your deconditioning and projectorhood journey, my Your Companion 2024 Planner is the world’s first-ever Human Design energy type specific planner. It is currently available only for Human Design projectors. Besides being a year, month and weekly planner, it contains a comprehensive guide about Human Design catered to projectors with a focus on practical integration and embodiment.


It is suitable for any Human Design projectors who are at the beginning of their de-conditioning journey or have been in their experiment for a while. It is designed to instill self-accountability and empowerment for one to take practical actions toward a life of authenticity, fulfillment, ease and Projector success. Read more about it here.

The Projector Remembrance is a powerful, small-group and deeply intimate 12-week group mentorship container designated to support and uplevel Projectors with the guiding awareness of their unique divinity. The program is rooted in:

ꫂ differentiation- first
ꫂ community
practical embodiment

Centering around the technology of Human Design and Neuroscience,
The Projector Remembrance (TPR) is for soul-led Projectors who hold the readiness to wholeheartedly uplevel, ground in their Projector resiliency, expand their confidence in their Projector divinity in a practical manner, and —usher change to live a different reality.

If you are feeling called to live your design as the Projector you came here to be and be surrounded in a community with other like-minded empowered Projectors, I welcome you to join us in this sacred container. Enrollment is open for TPR Spring. We kick off this Spring Equinox.

Explore here.

Lastly, if you are feeling called to engage in my frequency and invest in your growth and healing, or are seeking to be supported and/or mentored by someone you resonate with energetically? 

I work with heart-led and conscious Projector individuals, creatives and business owners. Explore my range of offerings here. (workshops, self-paced courses, 1:1 and live container). 

It is my hope that you find one that supports you wherever you are in your journey.

Click below for other “Unearthing Projectorhood” resources:

Read till the end but clueless what is Human Design? Wondering what your Human Design is? Find out your energy type over here.

All my love. Sat Nam,


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I am Sylvia— the founder, writer and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.

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6 Conscious Tips For Unwinding Down As A Projector