Projectors: The Energy Behind Being Seen
Human Design, Unearthing Projectorhood
“Pick yourself, see yourself, recognize your magic, before they do.”
fear of being seen
I am not a believer that we Projectors are incapable of seeing ourselves because of the mechanics of our aura.
We are completely capable of having awareness of ourselves, and understanding ourselves (although not completely alone, which is why we need other Projectors in our life). Our aura, which is what Human Design is all about, is outwardly focused, penetrating and designed to naturally laser in on the other each time we energetically interact with one.
As we lean on this natural energetic configuration of our aura, and through S & A, each time we are invited and recognized; when there is an energetic opening, we learn a part of ourselves in the other and in the process too.
Yet most of us Projectors carry a collective wound of fearing to be seen.
Being seen here has nothing to do with holding awareness and understanding ourselves, but is deeply tied to recognizing ourselves authentically, including the parts that feel imperfect, flawed, inconsistent, fragmented and vulnerable and YET still show up wholeheartedly as we are.
Visibility here is deeply entwined with our process of waiting.
The fear of being seen, feeling inadequate, insignificant and unworthy are the byproducts of staying in the familiar; of feeling small.
This familiarity provides us with a perceived sense of safety; of feeling sheltered and protected but leaves us far from feeling empowered and fulfilled. This inadequacy plagues many of us and eventually shows up in our lives through our unfulfilled professions, and relationships; creating dissonance and dysregulation through our mental and physical health. This familiarity holds us back from what could otherwise be possible.
This familiarity is also the reason why you are lying on your bed in the middle of the night, questioning your existence, your inevitable exhaustion and the choices that led you here right at this very moment.
The truth is, the discomfort of growth is always less dangerous than the illusion of security. And the healing work of growth isn’t the path of least resistance, but a path of choice and consciousness.
My story
For over a decade, I kept a part of myself hidden from the world.
I have always been told that I write well and that I was capable of stringing emotions into words when others can’t. I kept a private LiveJournal blog for myself. In it, I write about the lowest of my lows and the highest of my highs. Also, all the challenges, heartbreaks, and trials in life have gotten me thus far. I was fearful for the world to see this side of me, this erratic, moody and melancholy side of Sylvia who secretly wears her heart on her sleeve. The blog was akin to the immaculately selected playlist of my favorite songs on my first iPod nano, which I rarely share with anyone.
When I was a kid, everyone called me the Elmo girl, because I would always be smiling. I smiled all the time, even those times when I couldn’t muster any ounce of courage not to. I held onto this mask and kept up with this pretense for a very long time. In 2019, after my second spiritual awakening, I decided I wanted to write as a force of change instead. I still desired to share snippets of my authentic self as a catalyst for inspiration, empowerment and growth. This time, not privately, but publicly.
Fast forward 5 years later, Arawme and I have evolved and here I am in this chapter of my life writing about Human Design, Spirituality, Personal Growth, Self-Care and Healing. Would I ever imagine myself where I was 2 decades ago? No.
A question I often receive is, what led me to this change, how did I decide to act differently?
Well, I decided to start healing and stop hiding. I decided to be the co-creator instead of the victim. I decided to finally let myself be seen.
Do it for no one, but you.
“What if the setback is the setup?
What if the struggle is the seed?
What if the challenge is the catalyst?
What if the mistake is the magic?
What if the obstacle is the opportunity?
What if the test is the testimony?
What if the darkness is the only way to see the light?”
seeing ourselves, letting the world see us
As Projectors, many of us shared a similar upbringing where we were conditioned from a young age. Like many others, our authenticity was stripped from us where being ourselves, including being sensitive, often tired, and feeling too much was not okay. Alongside that, we downplay and dismiss these gifts, we adopted coping mechanisms instead, including staying small, dimming our light, fitting into the mold, staying passive, and keeping to ourselves. We prioritized being accepted, belonged, connected and loved- by societal and parental standards- after all, that’s how it has always been right?
We say yes to doing more, even when it feels inauthentic, even when our bodies are lamented and our souls are stifled. We accept mediocrity and feel apologetic in any instances where we do take up space. We put others’ needs before ours. We forgot how to celebrate ourselves. We store this inadequacy and bitterness in our bodies that eventually emerge as physical ailments. We allow the self-sabotage tendencies of our mind to withhold ourselves before we can explore the fullest potential and expression of any outcome (a correct relationship, a job prospect, a bridge opportunity, etc). We chase external validations to feel seen by others except we hold no clue to see ourselves. We seek instant gratifications through our devices to shut down these provoking nudges and avoid looking at our gaping emptiness.
Cultivating visibility and allowing ourselves to be seen is vital for us as Projectors so we can correctly enter recognitions and invitations when they arrive. It is not just about letting the world see us, it is about you seeing you.
When we hold ourselves back because of our fear of being seen, we are downplaying our gifts, wisdom, highest potential expression, and uniqueness as a Projector. We are holding ourselves back from opportunities, synchronicities, connections and soul-aligned individuals from our fractals (if you are looking at the angle of service).
We are dimming our light.
Remember this: we are always and only one decision away from living our most authentic selves. Arriving there requires your devotion to healing and an allegiance to your unique divinity.
Healing the energy to be seen has everything to do with holding a high self-worth consciousness and rising to the vibrational match of worthiness so the Universe can hand over the Projector success we desire. If healing the fear of being seen and showing up with conviction, grace, authenticity and self-compassion sounds like something you are ready for, check out my 4 tips below. Know that these tips are relevant to ALL energy types including Projectors.
4 Tips To Heal The Energy Behind Being Seen
01 Deep Self-Inquiry
Find yourself a quiet, undisturbed moment and answer the following questions below. Observe what comes up and write it all down. Notice the areas in your life where you notice yourself withholding yourself back and/or when you are afraid to step up and let yourself be seen. Most of all, acknowledge them. Acknowledge that they exist, that it is safe to feel this way and they are all valid. Allow space and time for yourself to integrate, heal and love yourself even more tenderly through this self-inquiry. Make room for your pain too.
Why am I so afraid of being seen? Where have I kept myself small?
Where am I holding myself back in my career, relationships and interests?
When was the first time the world told me it was okay to stay small and hidden?
How can I heal the fear of being seen with love, instead of fear?
Will I rather stay hidden forever or can I rise to the highest potential of my being, of service, of our collective’s mission, a part of something greater than myself?
What is the worst thing that can happen? How can I turn it into an opportunity?
How can I shift this wounding to power and wisdom?
02 Keep It Fun, Playful and Expansive
The fear of rejection and being judged comes up the most when we are pursuing things that mean the most to us.
We look at them as an extension of our identity and our worthiness. Sometimes the outcome does not immediately turn out exactly as we envision out to be or turn out the way our mind wants it either (sometimes, they turn out better too). Any form of criticism (especially the ones from ourselves) or setbacks can quickly feel disconcerting and bring any pursuits to a halt. It is important to remind yourself to keep the process fun, light-hearted and playful.
Check in with yourself often: Am I having fun? Am I too focused on the result and the outcome that this does not feel as fun as I thought it to be?
Always remember that what you are consciously choosing to invest your energy in brings out an element of joy for you. Don’t let the fear-based results and the outcome confiscate that joy; don’t let the destination override your journey.
Understand that mastery requires patience, repetition, consistency and dedicated practice. Just because you are not there yet, does not mean your knowledge, your wisdom, your guidance or your energy is not enough. You are enough as you currently are and the world needs more of your medicine.
Approach every opportunity, when invited with a beginner mindset, and release the need for you/your work/your medicine to be in its perfected form. Take micro-steps towards each step of being visible. If necessary, keep your work sacred and protect it at all costs so long you feel comfortable. Being visible does not mean be-friending fear right away. Being visible is choosing love and managing your perceived fear at the same time. Above all, know that regardless of the outcome or the result, you are wholeheartedly enough as you are. Recognizing and acknowledging yourself exactly where you are is a powerful testament to your healing and growth.
03 Surround yourself with your allies
Are you currently surrounded by people who are proud of you and celebrate you when you WIN in life? Are they self-inspired and supportive of your journey in healing and growth? Do they love you enough to hold space for you and/or call you out when you start self-sabotaging yourself?
Community is often overlooked yet it is hugely important in the theme of healing. Especially as non-sacral beings and living in a world dominated by sacrals, we can easily lose ourselves in the current of measuring and comparing ourselves with our fellow sacral pals- the MGs and the Generators. In this article 10 Gentle Reminders For Projectors To Thriving In A Sacral-Dominant World, I share the importance of finding community, like-minded individuals and expanders today.
04 Join the Projector Active Waiting Course
Healing the energy behind being seen is one of the prominent modules I teach in the Projector Active Waiting Course and in my live, seasonal flagship container, The Projector Remembrance program. In this deeply intimate group mentorship container, I walk you and other empowered Projectors through a powerful and reflective practice on having clarity of how this wounding first emerged in your life, its relations to the present and how we can finally convert this pain to power. We also discuss other Active Waiting Hacks including:
♡ Mastering the dance between waiting and invitations
♡ Learning to co-create with the Universe and leaning into receptivity states
♡ Getting clarity with your personal Projector Success
♡ Powerful neuroplasticity work that targets your subconscious
♡ Cultivating Projector inner confidence|
♡ Redefining what mastery is for you
♡ Bridging opportunities and more...
If this sounds like something you feel called to deepen your work in or lean on for support, do check out The Projector Active Waiting Course or enroll in The Projector Remembrance Program that kicks off again early Spring in 2025!
I hope this article has been supportive for you and that you feel the call to heal your visibility wounds and take a step towards living your most authentic self. Arriving there will require your devotion to healing and an allegiance to your unique divinity, I hope you are ready to take this decision towards your rising today. <3
One of my biggest callings since awakening as a projector is to serve other projectors like yourself. I have once felt overwhelmed, clueless and alone too. De-conditioning and stepping into our projectorhood can feel confusing at times. Do check out my other free resources in “Unearthing Projectorhood”. I have designed my free resource, “Projector’s 3 Agents of Change Guidebook” to support projectors like you in becoming and feeling empowered as we decondition and embark on our projectorhood journey. In this 30+ page toolkit, I share my tried and tested ( line 3 here) personal in depth-expansive practices to assist you in activating your projector divinity today. Read more about it here.
If you are looking for something physical and tangible to support you in your deconditioning and projectorhood journey, my Your Companion 2024 Planner is the world’s first-ever Human Design energy type specific planner. It is currently available only for Human Design projectors. Besides being a year, month and weekly planner, it contains a comprehensive guide about Human Design catered to projectors with a focus on practical integration and embodiment.
It is suitable for any Human Design projectors who are at the beginning of their de-conditioning journey or have been in their experiment for a while. It is designed to instill self-accountability and empowerment for one to take practical actions toward a life of authenticity, fulfillment, ease and Projector success. Read more about it here.
The Projector Remembrance is a 12-week, small group, live Projector mentoring container, centering around the technology of Human Design and Neuroscience.
TPR is for soul-led Projectors who are serious about stepping into their Projectorhood with a focus on community, embodiment and practical integration through differentiated and group support.
If you are looking to wholeheartedly uplevel and align yourself with your unique Projector divinity, and hold the readiness to usher change and live a different reality, I welcome you to join us in this sacred container.
Explore here.
Lastly, if you feel called to engage in my frequency and have an in-depth Becoming Empowered Human Design session or a Projectorhood Uplevel Session, do get in touch with me here.
All my love. Sat Nam,
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I am Sylvia— the founder, writer, projector mentor and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.
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