What Does It Mean To Step Into My Projectorhood
human design, unearthing projectorhood
A liberation.
The biggest affirmation and validation.
A permission slip from the Universe to just be as I am.
A full body resounding yes !!!
That was what it felt for me when I first discovered I was a Projector in Human Design.
I am sure you would have felt somewhat like that too when you first found out what your unique energetic type was. Either that or utter disappointment— after all we always wondered why we never had enough energy like others. Regardless of your emotional inclination, I hope my articles in “Unearthing Projectorhood” will be this for you —a permission slip for you to be as you are.
As this article is my first article of Projectorhood in Human Design, I feel that it is important to discuss what is Human Design and what the projector energy type is.
Human Design
Human Design is a technology that weaves several ancient wisdom like Western Astrology, Bahrain Chakras System, Chinese I-Ching and the Jewish Kaballah. All of it beautifully woven into this technology and backed by quantum physics and astronomy. It was a transmission downloaded by a man called Ra Uru Hu in 1987. It is also widely known as the science of the aura. Your Human Design is derived using two sets of personal data which attributes to your unique bodygraph. The first is the exact placement of the time and space relative to the solar system and the star field around the precise moment of your birth and the second placement is three months prior. The beauty of Human Design is that it is not a belief system nor is it rooted in any personality tests —it is a logical, mechanical system that encourages you to explore and experiment with its mechanics and find out if/how it works for you. The unification of its esoteric components is what creates its uniqueness, offering practical and digestible wisdom which we can incorporate and experiment in our life. I like to view our individual Human Design as our unique energetic blueprint — the energetic essence of who we came here to be. Each bodygraph is never identical and so are we different from one another. Find out your energy type in Human Design over here.
The Projector
Projector is one of the five energy types in Human Design. The five energy types are Manifestors, Manifesting Generator, Generators, Projectors and Reflector. Each energy type has their unique strategy and mission here on Earth. The unique strategy of a projector is to wait for an invitation. Naturally intuitive, receptive and feminine, we account for about 22% of the population and about one in five people is normally a projector. Unlike the other energy types, we are the youngest of the energy types as we are introduced into this Earth only in 1781. Our ability of deep seeing as a projector lies in our largely un-defined centers. We are here to usher a New World by tweaking, refining, supporting and guiding the energies and creative expression of other energy types. Likewise, with Manifestors and Reflectors, we are considered a non-energy type as we do not have our sacral center defined. We also do not have any motor centers connected to our throat center.
My Story
When I first re-discovered Human Design back in early 2020, I was on my first year as a struggling entrepreneur. I had just completed an amazing business course led by Robin of Empaths In Business & The Empath Podcast. The takeaway was intangible and many, but one thing I’l always remember that Robin articulated during our group call was that — to always listen to your soul. Being an entrepreneur can only be described as an ever-evolving, expansive, most personal journey we undertake in our soul growth. It was the path of entrepreneurship that re-pivoted and awakened me to the realization that I was and am, different. It was through entrepreneurship where I remembered and allowed myself to be me.
As much as I identified myself as a feminine- essenced individual and having a soul-based/heart-led business, I spent the first year trying to be like every other entrepreneur on Instagram/Pinterest. The to-do list, the must-dos, the marketing strategies, the cold DMs, the need to be consistent, the hustle, the need to be on the grind, the manipulative sales tactic that targeted on scarcity rather than expansion, the Instagram growth algorithm strategies etc… — they were all too overwhelming, cringy and almost contractive in my body.
There was so much pressure on being and becoming a “successful” entrepreneur.
And I remember the days of trying to fit myself into this mold. I remember the days I sat on my chair till 1/2am in the morning willing myself to finish an article after a 10 hours diving day of work. I remember priming myself for the 5am morning routine and failing terribly at it. I remember willing myself to work 15 hours a day by my laptop during the lockdown for I had to be “productive” and convincing myself that this was how all entrepreneurs had to be/begin at one point.
Along came the heavy disempowerment when it did not fall through, the bitterness and feeling out of place. It worked for many others and I assumed that it would for me—except it didn’t. I felt acutely out of place. I was extremely burnout too. I felt as if something innately was wrong with me. And it was after almost a few months of true hustling of doing more, being more, producing more- the striving of this work-life balance that really, truly, finally registered to me that that wasn’t what my soul truly yearned or signed up for. I had outgrown that timeline and reality. I was yearning for a work-life harmony. A harmonious and healthy integration of masculine and feminine energies in my life.⠀
And out of the blue, I was re-introduced to Human Design.
I remember how expansive yet emotional I felt when I first realized what our strategy was as a projector and how we were meant to live our fullest energetic expression. It occurred to me then that I had spent the past 28 years of my life trying to live out the design of someone else, fitting myself into the mold of who I was conditioned to be. It occurred to me how I had been unconsicous for too long. It occurred to me the familiar yet paralyzing fear of feeling unseen when I did not tune into our unique Projector’s strategy of waiting for an invitation. I remember feeling so alone too — for the closest ones around me were not projectors either. I felt it was difficult to articulate my insights and convictions for a new way of living.
And I am pretty sure you would have felt the same way too if you have just recently discovered you are a projector. And this is how I hope to empower and remind you that you are not alone in this journey. No matter how late we may feel towards awakening our Human Design, it is never too late to begin. Regardless if you are a projector or not, or— a manifestor, manifesting generator, generator, or reflector, you are only a decision away to live a life of your most empowered self. After all, deep down a part of your soul already knew the existence of your divinity and your genius. The same reason you ended up clicking on this article, you were already listening to your soul and the Universe’s nudges.
“Remember who you are — before the conditionings intervened.”
Ever since I discovered my divinity as a projector in Human Design, I have made a conscious commitment to fully and wholeheartedly step into my projectorhood.
When we decided to step into our projectorhood, it means consciously choosing a life of empowerment, embodiment and experimentation by living by the design of our Energy Type (projector), strategy (waiting for the invitation) and authority (emotional/splenic/ego/mental/self-projected). In the multi-faceted, layered and nuanced complexity of Human Design, these three alone are phenomenal when we choose to trust and consciously live our life according to them. When we make a conscious decision to exercise our energy type, strategy and authority, we are sifting through old conditionings and falsehoods that are not our to take up the first place. One of my mentors in Human Design once mentioned that,
“Human Design isn’t meant to categorize or put us in boxes, but the understanding that we were never meant to be boxed in the first place.”
I have since developed and applied conscious practices in my daily personal and professional life and particularly in my journey as an entrepreneur. For anyone who has discovered your divinity as a projector, and also is clueless on how to begin your projectorhood journey, my invitation for you is to be patient and gentle with yourself.
Awareness itself is an agent of change already but, conscious and aligned action is the game-changer. As one of the most conditioned beings in the world ( in an energetic sense), I feel most called to serve and help projectors like you in navigating and reclaiming our fullest energetic expression and divinity. This is why I began “Unearthing Projectorhood” and I am hoping you will find useful resources and tools to embark on your journey the same way I did with mine.
My free “Projector’s 3 Agents of Change Guidebook” is designed to support projectors like you in becoming and feeling empowered as we decondition and embark on our projectorhood journey. In this 30+ page toolkit, I share my tried and tested ( line 3 here) personal in depth-expansive practices to assist you in activating your projector divinity today. Read more about it here.
If you are looking for something physical and tangible to support you in your deconditioning and projectorhood journey, my Your Companion 2024 Planner is the world’s first-ever Human Design energy type specific planner. It is currently available only for Human Design projectors. Besides being a year, month and weekly planner, it contains a comprehensive guide about Human Design catered to projectors with a focus on practical integration and embodiment.
It is suitable for any Human Design projectors who are at the beginning of their de-conditioning journey or have been in their experiment for a while. It is designed to instill self-accountability and empowerment for one to take practical actions toward a life of authenticity, fulfillment, ease and Projector success. Read more about it here.
Lastly, if you feel called to engage in my frequency and have an in-depth Becoming Empowered Human Design session or a Projectorhood Uplevel Session, check out my offerings here.
The Projector Remembrance is a 12-week, small group, live Projector mentoring container, centering around the technology of Human Design and Neuroscience.
TPR is for soul-led Projectors who are serious about stepping into their Projectorhood with a focus on community, embodiment and practical integration through differentiated and group support.
If you are looking to wholeheartedly uplevel and align yourself with your unique Projector divinity, and hold the readiness to usher change and live a different reality, I welcome you to join us in this sacred container.
Explore here.
I would love to support you.
Other Projectorhood resources:
My Reflections On My Human Design Chart As A 1/3 Self-Projected Projector
10 Gentle Reminders For Projectors To Thriving In A Sacral-Dominant World
And I hope you will always remember that you can begin today. All my love. Sat Nam.
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I am Sylvia— the founder, writer and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.
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