Posts in Unearthing Projectorhood
Projectors: The Energy Behind Being Seen

Most of us Projectors carry a collective wound of fearing to be seen.

Being seen here has nothing to do with holding awareness and understanding ourselves, but is deeply tied to recognizing ourselves authentically, including the parts that feel imperfect, flawed, inconsistent, fragmented and vulnerable and YET still show up wholeheartedly as we are. Being visible here is deeply entwined with our process of waiting. Explore the article below including 4 tips on how to heal this fear.

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Staying In The Familiar As A Projector

Change happens in our lives when we take a series of empowered and practical actions toward a different reality every single day— a reality that is opposite from what kept you familiar for far too long.

Projector, are you ready to say goodbye to what keeps you in your familiarity? Are you ready to rise beyond what keeps you small and do the healing to rise to what our Projector’s natural receptivity requires?

Read on to discover my observations while supporting countless Projectors who keep one feeling disempowered and playing small in their divinity.

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Projector Guide: How To Use Your Companion Planner

Introducing the world’s first Human Design Energy Type specific planner. Your Companion 2024 Yearly Planner is a powerful, simple and practical tool designed to support Human Design Projectors in their personal de-conditioning and Projectorhood journey. It is intended to feel like a companion as one navigates their day-to-day lives.

Not only is it a year, month and weekly planner, it is also a comprehensive guide about Human Design dedicated to Projectors with a focus on practical integration and embodiment. Go forth and explore more here.

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10 Gentle Reminders For Projectors To Thriving In A Sacral-Dominant World

Many of us are awakening right now.

We are waking up to the senseless, uninspired, exhaustive, disconnected, and inauthentic way of living and being. We are waking up from the falsehoods and fears that held us back and pervade most of our lives. We are opting out of homogenization leaning into our authenticity and being truthful to ourselves. We are choosing our divinity, our gifts and unique expression as Projectors. Yet, as sensitive beings, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and burnout as we live in a world dominated by the sacrals, and most importantly, simultaneously showing up and thriving as our unique Projector expression.

Below are my 10 gentle reminders for Projectors to thriving in a sacral-dominant world.

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6 Conscious Tips For Unwinding Down As A Projector

Conditioning is the influence of energy external of us.

It is when we are surrounded by energetic interactions external of us, that we may absorb and amplify other’s. Being conditioned is a natural dance of life and it is an effect of how our auras interact with one another. It is part of our human experience that our soul choose to live as a Projector. It is however our responsibility and awareness to distinguish what are not ours to sustain and knowing when to let that go. This awareness allow us to prioritize our container so we can support our energetic mastery and show up in our highest and most authentic expressions.

Below are 6 conscious practices Projectors can begin today to support ourselves in unwinding down at the end of the day.

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Being Invited As A Projector

Our strategy of waiting for the invitation as a projector can cause a lot of confusion, disempowerment and passivity in ourselves. It is my invitation for you today as a projector to get clarity on what invitations truly are.

To be invited means to be recognized.

Read on to discover more about what invitations are, what to do during the waiting, and finally 5 tips when you are waiting for the invitations.

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Reflection On My Human Design Chart As A 1/3 Self Projected Projector

Since I discovered Human Design back in 2020, it has been a profound living tool and transmission in my life.

Below are brief reflections of myself as a 1/3 Self-Projected Projector as I share what I normally cover in a Human Design session: a deep overview of one’s energy type, authority, definition, profile, not self, signature and defined/undefined centers.

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Tuning Into Your Unique Energetic Guidance

We came into this world, each with a unique decision-making system within our energetic and physical bodies. An internal compass. Our North Star. One that lies latent in you before the presence of any external influences.

In Human Design, our authority governs our unique decision-making system. It is our internal energetic guidance. Read more below on the 7 authorities of Human Design and what are the conditionings that may have steered you away from yours in the first place.

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Projectorhood: Embracing Our Inconsistency

As projectors in Human Design, inconsistency is in our energetic makeup. It lives, breathes and shows up in our powerful aura.

Read on as we discuss why our open sacral center in Human Design contributes to our energetic makeup, how our energy shows up in daily life, how to heal and celebrate our relationship with being inconsistent and finally, choosing sustainability over consistency.

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7 Ways You Can Nourish Your Container As A Projector

A huge part of our conditioning as human beings involved being disconnected with our physical bodies.

Most of us were taught to suppress and bury our emotions instead of expressing them. As one of the most deeply conditioned energy types in the world, it is no surprise that most projectors spent a large part of their life or always felt disconnected from their bodies.

When we nourish our container, we learn to work smartly with our physical and energetic body rather than working against it.

Below are 7 ways a projector can begin to nourish their container.

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8 Energetic Non-Negotiables For A Projector

Projectors’ greatest mission lies in ushering in a New World by tweaking, refining, supporting and guiding the energies and creative expression of other energy types. As projectors, we do not naturally have a defined sacral center and motor center(s) connected to our throat center. Having energetic non-negotiables are crucial for you in embodying your projectorhood and claiming your divinity and your genius.

Read on to discover my 8 energetic non-negotiables as a projector.

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Normalizing Rest As A Projector

One of our biggest de-conditionings that we will have to undertake as a projector exists in our relationship with rest.

As the second most conditioned energy type in the world (after the reflectors), I always felt that it is the duty of projectors to hone, redefine and honor our unique relationship with rest so that we can guide the other energy types in doing the same.

Read on to find out more about dismantling old narratives about rest and paving a new way of rest to our world.

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What Does It Mean To Step Into My Projectorhood

A liberation. The biggest affirmation and validation. A permission slip from the Universe to be just as I am. A full body resounding yes!

That was what it felt for me when I first discovered I was a Projector in Human Design.

Perhaps you felt the same way. Either that or utter disappointment— after all, we always wondered why we never had enough energy like others. Regardless of your emotional inclination, I hope my articles in “Unearthing Projectorhood” will be this for you —a permission slip for you to be as you are.

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