8 Energetic Non-Negotiables For A Projector

Human Design, unearthing projectorhood

8 Energetic Non-Negotiables For A Projector — Arawme

Everything is frequency.

From the chair you are sitting on, to the person sitting across the train, to the person you sleep with every night, to the moment you step into a shopping mall or crowded area — everything is frequency.

As someone who identifies herself as an intuitive and an empath, I have spent the last 6 years cultivating and tuning in beyond the peripheral lens of the physical. Rather, tuning into people, situations, locations, conversations, in an energetic sense. It started with absorbing and absorbing everything — from emotions to thought patterns, to expectations, to falsehoods and assuming them as mine. I always assumed I was someone with strong boundaries, but I was so, so wrong. It was only in 2019 that I finally acknowledged and recognised that I had poor energetic boundaries with myself and others. It was only in 2019 when I finally began to assess and curate my energetic intake and output with others, my environment and undertaken the path of true self-care conditioning.

My Story

One of the biggest ah-ha for me happened when I was dating an ex of mine in 2019. My previous partner and I were very connected and he was going through a difficult phase in his life. Each time something happened in his life or in our relationship, I fell terribly ill. It was then I was aware of my codependency traits towards him for I was very reactive towards every little thing in his life, even those I did not understand. I took his emotions as mine, perhaps even amplifying it. My health eventually got in the way too. I felt a need to be his savior, his therapist — everything, but his girlfriend (which eventually led to the breakup but, we shall leave this story to another time). I felt completely responsible for what he was going through. I had forgotten to draw a healthy emotional and energetic boundary in our relationship. Most of all, I had forgotten how to separate my energetic, emotional and physical boundaries with myself. Upon reflection on hindsight, I came to realise the mechanics of our interaction in our relationship. Me adopting his low depressive waves, anxieties and fears as mine was a natural energetic reflex of mine when our aura interacts — after all, it is in my nature that I do so as I am a projector in Human Design.

The Mechanics

As a self-projected projector, I have only 2 centers defined in my bodygraph: a G center and throat center whilst all of my other 7 centers are completely white and undefined. If you are not aware already, for someone with undefined centers, when you are in the auric presence of another with centers defined, you will inevitably absorb and amplify those specific energies.

Have a look at your bodygraph, where your centers are defined/colored are where part of you is consistent and set in stone. They represent a function, a tendency within you that is fixed and constant— an energy that is within you and can be harnessed 24/7. Where your centers are undefined/white represents part of you that is malleable and not consistent. You are flexible and open to the influence in the auric presence of those specific energies aka the defined centers. Through the way your aura interacts, you may adopt a conditioning influence by absorbing and amplifying those energies, perhaps even taking them as yours. Each center also refers to a bodily organ or gland within us. When we allow the external influence to deplete us and when we live outside our human design, we may also observe physical ailments, physical discomfort and illnesses arising in our physical bodies. The way I did with my ex was just one of the many experiences in my life. Most times, these interactions deplete my energy and made me incredibly overwhelmed. You may have felt that too. As projectors and with everyone who has undefined/white center(s), you are essentially an empath. The more undefined/white centers you have in your bodygraph, the more you are open to empathic burnout and conditioning influences of the external world outside yourself. Projectors, after the reflectors, are the second most conditioned energy type in the world.

As projectors, we do not naturally have a defined sacral center and motor center(s) connected to our throat center. Having energetic non-negotiables are crucial for you in embodying your projectorhood and claiming your divinity and your genius.

Think of your energetic non-negotiables as your energetic armor. Having inconsistent energies is not necessarily a bad thing, it is simply mechanics and how our true nature is designed to live in this world. It is how our soul consciousness has chosen to serve/live in this world, in this lifetime. We are here to embrace our uniqueness. Human Design offers us an opportunity to have an awareness of how our energies are engaged with the external world. When we develop an understanding of our energetic blueprint, we are able to sieve through the conditionings of the world, we are able to hold the confidence and detached wisdom in knowing, “ this is not mine, this is his/hers/theirs. My role is to just mirror it to them and guide their energies when I am invited.” Our white and undefined centers are wells of wisdom. They provide wisdom through comprehension, self-understanding, self-conceptualization and insight to another.

Energetic mastery is a powerful practice of stepping into your projectorhood. it is you holding accountability to a life by wholeheartedly living in your design.

It is a practice that is deeply personal and all-embracing for me. It is a work in process and a curation of experimentations with what worked and what did not over the past 5 years. Know that the list is non-exhaustive and is constantly expanding and tweaked on in my life. My invitation for you is to use the list below as a guide and find out what works best for you. Because of our unique mechanics, one projector is actually vastly different from another projector hence what works for me may not completely work for you. Experiment with it, keep a journal/diary and track yourself with regular energetic check-ins. Observe the ease, flow and success that comes with it. My invitation for you is that you’ll create more spaciousness, courage and conviction through your energetic mastery today. Know that you have no one to please and own, but yourself. Know that within you, you already hold the grace for your divinity to be shared with the world.

Your life is your own, and it will always be.
you must find the courage to claim it, or it will pass by you untouched — a glimmering, lost potential of all that could have been.
— Mahina Alexander

My 8 Energetic Non-Negotiables As A Projector

  1. Daily Downtime To Be In My Own Space enjoying What I Love

    A downtime is defined as a period of time for relaxation.

    As projectors, we are constantly absorbing, amplifying and riding the wave of our immediate environment and people that we are surrounded with on a daily basis. This includes virtual interactions, virtual friends, and social media intake too. Being a non-sacral energy, the way we ride the wave of sacral energies through other sacral beings isn’t sustainable for us. We do not have the bandwidth nor the enduring energetic configuration to last for hours in a day. Living in a world largely driven and largely populated by sacral beings ( ~70% of the world), a daily downtime with ourselves is vital for sensitive beings like us.

    I find allocating a daily downtime with myself truly liberating and rejuvenating. Downtime does not necessarily represent sleeping habits but just being in your own space. Away from the auric energies of others and any electronic devices. What is one thing that excites you right now? Relish in it. Projectors are here to use their clarity and wisdom from their deep seeing to guide others. Relishing in what we are passionate and enthusiastic about in life will eventually expand our Projector aura, magnetising invitations and opportunities in our life. I love my solo moments, in the ocean, in the bar with my Spotify and iced Moroccan mint tea after a long day of work. I would either be studying more about Human Design, Gene Keys, Cryptocurrency or reading a really good book— pretty much anything that excites me the most right now! I also love hermit-ing by myself in my room too. As sensitive beings, always honor your downtime, always honor the wise rhythm of your solitude.

  2. Resting + Rest In Bed Before You Feel Tired + Sleep Strategies Suggestions

    In my article of normalizing rest as a projector, I explained about why redefining rest is very important to us and our role as a projector in this world. As a projector, because of our inconsistent energies, we need to often find moments for us to rest and recharge ourselves. Let rest be your love language. Allocate regular breaks during the day, disengage from people/noise/conversations and let go of the idea of doing often. It could look like a nap or a walk to your patio/kitchen/garden, it could look like making yourself some matcha/chai, or sitting under a tree, or deep breathing and closing your eyes for 20 minutes.

    Unlike sacral beings who should ideally have their energies depleted during the day and going to bed tired for a night of restful sleep— non-sacral beings like Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors are not encouraged this way. It is imperative to remember that we do not have that enduring life force energy in the first place. What we do need, however, because of the constant absorbing and magnifying of energies during the day, is to decompress that energy off before we can properly rest. By resting before we feel exhausted/tired, we allow our energetic body to re-calibrate and prepare itself for a restful, restorative sleep.

    Many HD specialists recommend that sleeping alone to be extremely helpful for the energetic management of a projector. After all, it is important to bear in mind that our conditioning influence exists and remains active even during our sleep. This is perfect if you are single but if you have a partner, perhaps experiment sleeping separately from him/her on specific days a week and calmly explaining your reasons behind it. If both of you are non-sacral beings (yay, perfect), I would recommend resting in bed together before you are knackered to have a restful sleep. Know that you both have each absorbed your fair share of energies from the external world separately and need to decompress individually too. What I have personally noticed after dating an MG, I definitely slept a lot better when I was sleeping alone. However, if he had his sacral energy used up during the day, and is tired before he sleeps, I/we sleep terrifically. That is a suggestion if your partner is a sacral being. Encourage them to use up their juicy, sparkly life force energy during their day. It is their divinity as a sacral being to do so.

  3. Daily Morning Energetic Protection Mantra Prayer

“I am in the light, the light is in me, I am the light (x3)

Dear Archangel Michael/Divine beings, I call for you to surround me with a triple light shield and firewall. (Imagine yourself filled with a shield of white light)

And to allow me to be a being filled with love, light, compassion, truth, understanding and wisdom. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I invoke and invite you my spirits guides, angels and divine beings to intervene in my life for the highest good and light for myself and others. I welcome you to enjoy Earth. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

This practice has been a part of my daily sadhana. It is a set of prayers that I recite to myself when I first wake up. It is the intention behind that sets the stage to protect my energies throughout the day. You can read more about my sadhana practice here. You can call upon any form of blessings from any God/Universe/Source you pray to. The intention is to set up an energetic shield for yourself for the day and be that being filled with love, light, compassion, truth, wisdom and understanding —and you already are. Check out the power of mantras and my favourite kundalini mantras here.

4. Regular energetic check-in throughout the day

The first step towards de-conditioning as a projector and stepping into projectorhood is by fully and wholeheartedly embracing that we just don’t have that much energy at all — and try not to pretend as we did in the past. Do note that if you are an energy projector with motor(s) defined, you will have more energy than classic and mental projectors do.

Perhaps you were like me who had spent her last 27 years trying to effectively fit into the mold of a Manifestor or a Manifesting-Generator, convincing myself that I just had another long day, that I was just more sensitive than others, that it worked for others so it should work for me too. But gone are those days, and here are the days where I all-embracingly explain to others that “I have more limited energy than you do and that is okay too.” Acknowledging our limited energy itself opens up a gentle spaciousness and unlocks an expansive reserve of how we can utilize them wisely. Regular energetic check-in and clean-up throughout the day have helped me managed and harnessed my limited energies. I would often check in with myself on how I feel throughout the day. Tuning in to the guidance and wisdom of my energetic body has been the most revelating to me as a projector and feminine being.

How is my Projector reserve doing? Is rest what I need right now? How does my physical body feel like right now? What is my energetic body trying to tell me? How can I meet myself as I am right now? Is there anything I could say no to right now?

5. Discernment

One of the beauties of Human Design is understanding the mechanics of how we interact with ourselves, one another and the world we live in. By recognising our unique nature, expressions, functions and tendencies through our defined centers and undefined centers, we hold greater awareness for clarity, discernment and detached objectivity. Allowing wisdom to flow through us rather than letting ourselves be overridden by the conditioning influence.

Discernment is the ability to distinguish what resonates for others may not be for you. It is the ability to hold calm objectivity and keen observations through all forms of energetic interactions and the ability to formulate your own. It is tuning into the dissonance in your energetic body even when the facts and/or everybody disagrees. My invitation for you as a projector is to always nurture your eye for discernment. Even with reading this article, or any other HD reader’s infographic/post on Instagram — take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. Experiment with it and formulate your own. You have ALL the wisdom you ever need my dearest projector.

6. Boundaries

Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries.

In my article about “Drawing Boundaries and Self-Care Conditioning”, I discussed about the importance and facets of boundaries including 5 tips on how to begin making them today. Some energetic boundaries that are top of my projector list include, keeping my inner circle small, letting go of oversharing, saying no politely, simple things like letting others know that I do not wish to be disturbed on a call after 9 pm, letting others know that I do not appreciate random phone calls, disengaging from toxic conversations/people that drain me, letting others know when I do not hold the capacity to hold space for one right this moment, intuitively taking a social media detox, not responding instantly to text/DMs/emails, expressing to the person how I truly feel, expressing my energetic limitations and simply letting others know that I am tired and do not hold the bandwidth to take certain information in right now.

Boundaries are here for us to instill self-respect, courage and take ownership of our energetic intake/exchange with the world we live in. Boundaries are here to strengthen oneself and provide us with safety, reminding us that my energy as a projector is my number #1 priority. It is acknowledging your container above everything. And most of all, when we show others how we want to be treated, we are also reminding them to do it for themselves.

7. Anchor yourself in nature and ,Play and movement

There is something about Nature that is so profound and healing in so many ways. Spending time in nature allows me to deeply ground and recharge myself. As I am currently living on an island and working in nature, I am incredibly grateful to be close to nature and the ocean. One of my favourite weekly moments would be meditating to the sunset by the beach or taking a long nightly stroll by myself. If you live in a city like I used to, I would often find little opportunities to go for long strolls or hikes with my friends.

Human Design explains that as projectors, our process in life may seem slower than others as compared to our fellow Manifestors, Generators and MGs. For that reason, light movement is ideal for projectors — think swims, yoga, stretching, ecstatic dance etc. Intense cardio, HIIT, marathons, triathlons would definitely exhaust a projector’s energies faster than it can keep up.

8. Monotasking

It took a long time for me to finally acknowledge that I was a horrible multi-tasker and that it is not in my energetic nature and expression to be deeply invested in several projects at once. That is a role of an MG. As a projector, our aura is penetrative and that is the reason why we are better with 1:1 interaction. In the same way, our energies are not consistent or are configured in a way to handle several projects at once. Learning to re-pattern myself to mono-task has been an asset in my energetic mastery as a projector. Gone are the days where my to-do list was long, right now, I would only have 1-3 to-do in a day. By dedicating myself to a singular task each time also take the pressure off to be consistent and allows me to be deeply intentional with the progress.

It’s the most difficult thing about being a projector because you are so deeply conditioned, that’s its just so difficult to just let go and start from scratch.

Because you got all this stuff that you are hooked on. And all of this stuff that you think, because you are very connected to the way in which life on the planet is organized. In other words you are designed to have a specific relationship to the other, to groups, all of those things. But of course you can never develop that as long as you are like them.

As long as you are not what you are. Only when you are really ready to be a projector I mean really ready to be a projector will you see, that it is all there for you.
— Ra uru Hu

One of my biggest callings since awakening as a projector is to serve other projectors like yourself. I have once felt overwhelmed, clueless and alone too. De-conditioning and stepping into our projectorhood can feel confusing at times. Do check out my other free resources in “Unearthing Projectorhood”. I have designed my free resource, “Projector’s 3 Agents of Change Guidebook” to support projectors like you in becoming and feeling empowered as we decondition and embark on our projectorhood journey. In this 30+ page toolkit, I share my tried and tested ( line 3 here) personal in depth-expansive practices to assist you in activating your projector divinity today. Read more about it here.


If you are looking for something physical and tangible to support you in your deconditioning and projectorhood journey, Your Companion 2024 Planner is the world’s first-ever Human Design energy type specific planner. It is currently available only for Human Design projectors. Besides being a year, month and weekly planner, it contains a comprehensive guide about Human Design catered to projectors with a focus on practical integration and embodiment. The planner is designed along the framework of these 8 projector energetic non-negotiables.

It is suitable for any Human Design projectors who are at the beginning of their de-conditioning journey or have been in their experiment for a while. It is designed to instill self-accountability and empowerment for one to take practical actions toward a life of authenticity, fulfillment, ease and Projector success. Read more about it here.

The Projector Remembrance is a powerful, small-group and deeply intimate 12-week group mentorship container designated to support and uplevel Projectors with the guiding awareness of their unique divinity. The program is rooted in:

ꫂ differentiation- first
ꫂ community
practical embodiment

Centering around the technology of Human Design and Neuroscience,
The Projector Remembrance (TPR) is for soul-led Projectors who hold the readiness to wholeheartedly uplevel, ground in their Projector resiliency, expand their confidence in their Projector divinity in a practical manner, and —usher change to live a different reality.

If you are feeling called to live your design as the Projector you came here to be and be surrounded in a community with other like-minded empowered Projectors, I welcome you to join us in this sacred container. Enrollment is open for TPR Spring. We kick off this Spring Equinox.

Explore here.

Lastly, if you are feeling called to engage in my frequency and invest in your growth and healing, or are seeking to be supported and/or mentored by someone you resonate with energetically?

I work with heart-led and conscious Projector individuals, creatives and business owners. Explore my range of offerings here. (workshops, self-paced courses, 1:1 and live container).

It is my hope that you find one that supports you wherever you are in your journey.

Click below for other “Unearthing Projectorhood” resources:

Read till the end but clueless about what is Human Design? Wondering what your Human Design is? Find out your energy type over here.

All my love. Sat Nam,


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I am Sylvia— the founder, writer and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.

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8 Energetic Non-Negotiables For A Projector — Arawme