Projectorhood: Embracing Our Inconsistency

Human Design, unearthing Projectorhood


One of the most affirming validations I had when I discovered I was a projector in Human Design, was that I am enough even when my energy was inconsistent.

For almost 3 decades, I have always measured my self-worth by how much I can do/create/work. I have always held this belief that the more I work, I will be noticed, I will be recognized and that I will feel good about myself. But no, I always felt otherwise- exhausted, fatigued and unfulfilled. I have sought permission and validations externally from others rather than understanding, recognizing and loving myself and embodying my energetic blueprint.

As projectors, inconsistency is in our energetic makeup. It lives, breathes and shows up in our powerful aura. This goes the same for all the non-sacral beings and/or anyone with mostly white/undefined centers in their bodygraph.

Do note that my definition of “inconsistency” does not disregard one’s toxic/abusive/unhealthy behaviors. My purpose for discussing consistency is to create more awareness and understanding for our energetic blueprint, shifting the focus to the concept of “sustainability” and to further challenge the societal norm of instant gratification and the hustle culture.

When one first learns about Human Design and discovers themselves as projectors, it may feel extremely validating and supportive yet also incredibly frustrating and even debilitating. To begin, who likes to wait for the invitation? Why aren’t we designed to inform and initiate like manifestors? Why do we not have that consistent access to the juicy, life force energy like other 70% of the sacral beings in the world?

When we embrace our projectorhood, it means consciously choosing a life of empowerment, embodiment and experimentation by living by the design of our Energy Type (projector), strategy (waiting for the invitation) and authority (emotional/splenic/ego/mental/self-projected).

Below we will discuss why our open sacral center in Human Design contributes to our energetic makeup, how our energy shows up in daily life, how to heal and celebrate our relationship with being inconsistent and finally, choosing sustainability over consistency.

Human Design

Human Design is a technology that weaves several ancient wisdom like Western Astrology, Bahrain Chakras System, Chinese I-Ching and the Jewish Kaballah. All of it is beautifully woven into this technology and backed by quantum physics and astronomy. It was a transmission downloaded by a man called Ra Uru Hu in 1987. It is also widely known as the science of the aura. Your Human Design is derived using two sets of personal data which attributes to your unique bodygraph. The first is the exact placement of the time and space relative to the solar system and the star field around the precise moment of your birth and the second placement is three months prior. The beauty of Human Design is that it is not a belief system nor is it rooted in any personality tests —it is a logical, mechanical system that encourages you to explore and experiment with its mechanics and find out if/how it works for you.

The unification of its esoteric components is what creates its uniqueness, offering practical and digestible wisdom which we can incorporate and experiment in our life. I like to view our individual Human Design as our unique energetic blueprint — the energetic essence of who we came here to be.

Each bodygraph is never identical and so are we different from one another. If you do not already know your Human Design, you can find out your energy type over here.

The Projector

Projector is one of the five energy types in Human Design.

The five energy types are Manifestors, Manifesting Generator, Generators, Projectors and Reflector. Each energy type has their unique strategy and mission here on Earth. The unique strategy of a projector is to wait for an invitation. Naturally intuitive, receptive and feminine, we account for about 22% of the population and about one in five people is normally a projector. Unlike the other energy types, we are the youngest of the energy types as we are introduced into this Earth only in 1781. Our ability of deep seeing as a projector lies in our largely un-defined centers. In our not selves, our open centers are also where our greatest conditionings may be formed. As projectors, we are here to usher a New World by tweaking, refining, supporting and guiding the energies and creative expression of other energy types. As projectors, we also do not have any motor centers connected to our throat center.

If you are reading this article, you will know that you are a projector in Human Design. In your bodygraph, where your centers are defined/colored are where parts of you are consistent and set in stone. They represent a function, a tendency within you that is fixed and constant— an energy that is within you and can be harnessed 24/7. Where your centers are undefined/white, it represents parts of you that are malleable and not consistent. Likewise with manifestors and reflectors, we are considered a non-energy type as we do not have our sacral center defined. It is white and undefined, it is a tendency within our energetic body that is not consistent and fixed in our being. Rather, it undertakes a different role which we will explore below.

The White Center Of the Sacral

As non-sacral beings (aka our sacral center is undefined/white), projectors have a conditioning influence to absorb and amplify the sacral, creative life force energy when we are next to sacral beings (aka all generators and manifesting generators) simply when our auras are interacting. By amplifying their sacral energy, we “borrow” and ride the wave of the sacral. When in the presence of sacral beings, one may observe themselves working harder and more intensely than sacral beings. However, we are not designed to keep up with this creative life force energy in a sustainable manner for long hours and will eventually experience the gift of a burnout.

When a projector is living in his/her not-self, it is through their output that they may be perceived or measured as “inconsistent” by society. When we do however compel ourselves beyond our energetic capacity, we may experience burnout, fatigue and exhaustion. It happens when we try to keep up with other energy types, their expectations and their commitments. Burnout is often experienced when we are withdrawn from others and when we are alone in our own space.

For sacral beings, their sacral energy is powered by momentum and it is enduring energy. They are capable of sustaining it for a long period without breaks. However, as non-sacral beings, it is not in our nature and capacity to have this consistent, creative life force energy within us. It does not mean that we are not creative, or that we do not have any ounce of energy. We just absorb and amplify the life force energy from the rest of our environment all the time and will only be able to sustain it for a short period of time. It is all mechanics. Do note that if you are an energy projector, because of your defined motor center(s), you will have an ability to feel constant energy within that motor center(s) — which gives you a bit more energy than the other projectors (Classic and Mental projectors). But it is never as enduring as the sacral energy and rest remain fundamental to you too.

Our relationship with rest is often ignored and not talked about as we grow older. In our desires to feel seen, recognised and accepted in society, we may have experienced ignoring our body’s need for rest. We may have overridden or mentally bypassed our inner resistances and convinced ourselves to do/be/produce/create more to fit in with everyone else. The result may leave us feeling mentally drained, unappreciated and bitter.

Healing Our Relationship With Showing Up Consistently In the World

When we surrender to the fact that the core of our projector energetic matrix will never match up to 70% of the sacral population, we also open ourselves up for healing, self-compassion and self-acceptance.

Think back on an occasion where you have dragged yourself to a social function when you had a really long day and in actual fact just wanted to rest; think back on an occasion where you have stayed past your working hours to finish up some work just because all of your colleagues were doing so; think back on an occasion where you had people-pleased by saying yes to commitments outside of your energetic capacity; think back on an occasion where you have ceaselessly attached your self-worth with the amount of physical work/hours you have accomplished.

Been there, done that.

It is Humanity’s conditioning influence to be consistent in life. Perhaps that is how the patriarchal system, generational trauma, statistics, media, parental expectations and projections have governed for us to be since we were born. Being an empowered projector and an empowered non-sacral being is about paving a new way of being to the world and the society. It is about embarking on a journey of dismantling the matrix and cognitive assumptions/distortions/projections that have misguided us on how we are supposed to live and be in the world. It is about stepping into the role that sets us free for a life of self-worth, self-acceptance, true freedom and energetic sovereignty and sustainability.


sustainability over consistency

One of projector’s roles in this New World is to guide others in navigating new energetic shifts, pathways and their unique creative expressions. We are here to share the concept of personal energetic sustainability. We are here to remind others the importance of enoughness by realizing first, that we are enough just the way we are. We are enough even if we do not do more, create more, and be more.

We pave the new pathways and sustainability shifts by first undertaking the path ourselves. A path where we honor our energetic blueprint, by upholding our energetic non-negotiables and nourishing our capacity. As projectors, I firmly believe that we are here to breathe and normalize rest to the collective. We are here to redefine the concept of perfection, success and productivity through energetic mastery and embodying our divinity through our Human Design. We are here to create conversations about the beauty of inconsistency and the concept of sustainability over consistency in all areas of our lives. We are here to lead the shift by reminding others that pouring from the overflow has nothing to do with external recognition from others, but our self-worth.

My invitation for you from the article is that you’ll create more spaciousness, courage and conviction to celebrate your divinity as a projector and non-sacral being by beginning today.

Below are affirmations for you to take your power back.

Affirmations To remind and Celebrate Our Divinity As Projectors

  • I embrace the fact that my energetic output may not be as extensive and enduring as others.

  • I work smartly and sustainably with my energy.

  • I do not have to work hard, I work smart.

  • I embrace and celebrate the facets of my being that are inconsistent.

  • My self-worth is not tied to any recognition and/or measured by any output of my energy.

  • Resting for me is a personal, conscious and active practice for my growth and evolution.

  • My divinity as a projector begins with pouring from the overflow.

  • I am enough just the way I am.

  • Energetic sovereignty/sustainability is the new gold.

  • I am magnetic when I radiate energetic sustainability.

  • I am here to help pave the New World a shift towards energetic sustainability.

I have designed my free resource, “Projector’s 3 Agents of Change Guidebook” to support projectors like you in becoming and feeling empowered as we decondition and embark on our projectorhood journey. In this 30+ page toolkit, I share my tried and tested ( line 3 here) personal in depth-expansive practices to assist you in activating your projector divinity today. Read more about it here.

If you are looking for something physical and tangible to support you in your deconditioning and projectorhood journey, my Your Companion 2024 Planner is the world’s first-ever Human Design energy type specific planner. It is currently available only for Human Design projectors. Besides being a year, month and weekly planner, it contains a comprehensive guide about Human Design catered to projectors with a focus on practical integration and embodiment.

It is suitable for any Human Design projectors who are at the beginning of their de-conditioning journey or have been in their experiment for a while. It is designed to instill self-accountability and empowerment for one to take practical actions toward a life of authenticity, fulfillment, ease and Projector success. Read more about it here.

The Projector Remembrance is a powerful, small-group and deeply intimate 12-week group mentorship container designated to support and uplevel Projectors with the guiding awareness of their unique divinity. The program is rooted in:

ꫂ differentiation- first
ꫂ community
practical embodiment

Centering around the technology of Human Design and Neuroscience,
The Projector Remembrance (TPR) is for soul-led Projectors who hold the readiness to wholeheartedly uplevel, ground in their Projector resiliency, expand their confidence in their Projector divinity in a practical manner, and —usher change to live a different reality.

If you are feeling called to live your design as the Projector you came here to be and be surrounded in a community with other like-minded empowered Projectors, I welcome you to join us in this sacred container. Enrollment is open for TPR Spring. We kick off this Spring Equinox.

Explore here

Lastly, if you are feeling called to engage in my frequency and invest in your growth and healing, or are seeking to be supported and/or mentored by someone you resonate with energetically? 

I work with heart-led and conscious Projector individuals, creatives and business owners. Explore my range of offerings here. (workshops, self-paced courses, 1:1 and live container). 

It is my hope that you find one that supports you wherever you are in your journey.

Other Projectorhood resources:


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I am Sylvia— the founder, writer and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.

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