A blog dedicated to one’s journey of remembrance— cultivation of their authenticity, and alignment to their values and truths. The Unearthing Projectorhood series is designed for Human Design Projectors. #yourjourneyinwards resources.
The Projector

A 12-week, small group projector mentoring container

Centering around the technology of Human Design and Neuroscience,
The Projector Remembrance (TPR) is for soul-led Projector women who hold the readiness to wholeheartedly uplevel, ground in their Projector resiliency and expand their confidence in their Projector divinity in a practical manner while —walking alongside an empowered Projector women community.

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 differentiation- first




practical embodiment


The journey of remembrance can be described as water. 

Soft, yielding yet turbulent, and magnificent.

Its fluidity; illuminating and liberating.

Going inwards is a full commitment and devotion to your personal healing and alignment with your unique Projector divinity.


Many of us Projectors have walked a similar path on this earth


We grew up with our power taken away from us at a young age.

We were told that it was not okay to be too sensitive, to feel too much; to see differently… We were taught to stay small, downplaying our innate Projector gifts to fit into the mold of our sacral-dominant world.

We were taught to ignore our exhaustion and pursue every endeavor that aligns with our society’s version of success.

We learned to accept this homogenization because it felt like the right thing to do because that’s how it has always been done and we do so to feel safe, accepted, included, loved, and seen.

Only that one day, would we realize that somewhere along that yellow brick road of overdoing, chasing external validations, the hustle culture, alongside the inevitable exhaustion; and holding our authentic selves back, would we finally admit to ourselves that we never once, truly felt seen.

Would we finally ask ourselves, perhaps there is more to this?



That was what Human Design birthed for me when it did— a self-acceptance slip for loving my entire being for whom my soul consciousness came here to be.

Because your gifts never forget you.

If you arrived at this page learning and knowing that you are a Projector in Human Design you are waking up.

You are waking up to this senseless, exhaustive, disconnected, and inauthentic way of living. You are waking up from the falsehoods and fears that have pervaded your entire life and held you back for far too long.

You are heeding the call, the nudge, the whisper to opt out of this inauthenticity. And finally honoring your gifts and your unique expression as a Projector.

To live Your design.

You are finally ready to be seen.


a Journey back to yourself.


The Projector Remembrance is a powerful, small-group and deeply intimate 12-week group mentorship container designated to support and uplevel Projector women with the guiding awareness of their unique divinity. The program is rooted in:

differentiation- first
practical embodiment

It is a strategically curated journey of transforming self- understanding, awareness and readiness into empowerment and practical embodiment with the activation of neuroplasticity and the guidance of a heart-led community.

As your Projector guide and mentor, I bring you my differentiated approach as 1/3 Self-Projected Projector with both the Channel of Awakening (10-20) and the Channel of Prodigal (13-33). My area of “expertise” is derived particularly from my personal de-conditioning journey, Human Design studies as a certified reader, supporting countless clients and lived embodied experiences that have worked and allowed me to achieve spaciousness, authenticity, recognition and Projector success today.

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 “It’s the most difficult thing about being a Projector because you are so deeply conditioned, that’s it's just so difficult to just let go and start from scratch.
Because you got all this stuff that you are hooked on. and all of this stuff that you think, because you are very connected to the way in which life on the planet is organized.
Only when you are really ready to be Projector I mean, really ready to be a Projector will you see, that it is all there for you."

-Ra Uru Hu


When you enroll in The projector remembrance, you’ll receive:

☑ 6 bi-weekly 120-minute accountability and support group calls with Sylvia (worth 180 usd each)

☑ 12 Weekly self-paced TPR Course & Coursebook (worth 60usd)

☑ a 45-minute Get To Know You private call with Sylvia

☑ a Personalized Projector mini guide/report conceived intuitively by Sylvia- normally developed in 3 parts (worth 110usd

☑ access to the private TPR course platform with personal login + password

☑ private TPR Spring community and active community chats with Sylvia on Circle (priceless!?)

☑ access to private TPR alumni community and active chats with Sylvia on Circle (priceless!?)

☑ direct access to Sylvia on Circle (work hours only)

☑ Returning To Your Divinity Guide I & II (worth 165 usd

☑ Projector Active Waiting Course (worth 320 usd

☑ Projector Daily Grounding Toolkit Course (worth 195 usd)

☑ Your Projector Playbook (worth 65 usd)

☑ course workbooks, instructions, video lessons + community support for you to take small, actionable steps, feel accountable and supported without getting overwhelmed

☑a permission to take up space with a non-judgmental, inclusive, and supportive Projector community


Important details:



Upon confirmation of payment, I will be reaching out to you via email/our private Circle for the Get To Know You private call and will start preparing your personalized mini-guide/report.

All courses and material on the platform will be available for login right away, with content dripped when the program officially begins.

Each cohort is kept small and intimate so everyone can properly share and take up space during our group calls.

It is important to note that this unique container emphasizes sisterhood and the need to hold space for one another. Many enriching friendships are forged beyond the length of the program.


With all members, we will finalize the best suitable recurring day and time for our Bi-Weekly group hangout before we kick off our first week together in this container!

I will also take into account the time zones and each one’s differentiated design when forming the groups. It is my intention to support you to the fullest of your potential and expression. You will have direct access to me throughout the 12 weeks together.

Join us in our Fall cohort at the next Equinox.

If it sounds like a yes with your authority, join us this Spring.


 Bonuses Included in enrollment:

  1. Lifetime access

    While The Projector Remembrance program is only 12 weeks long, all members have lifetime access to program content and the TPR community chat so as to stay involved as part of the TPR community for additional ongoing support and have a place to return to these helpful resources at any time upon the completion of the program.


projector in business workshop (WORTH 110 USD)

This is a resourceful workshop for any existing soul-led Projector business owners and conscious individuals who are looking to approach business by wholeheartedly leaning on their unique Projector divinity. I share with you my soft business structure, tools, and foundations that have enabled empowerment, energetic sustainability, and Projector success in my life.



Free Access TO All Other upcoming courses/resources

All TPR students will have lifetime, free access to all the upcoming paid courses/toolkits and recorded workshops on the teaching platform.

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enrollment is closed.

with a full payment of 1595 USD




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 The Love

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The Modules

  • In our first week, we will explore and unlock what your individuated divinity is as a Projector.

    This module includes a hands-on mapping of your HD chart and the discovery of the nine centers, keynotes, and what distinguishes your unique energetic makeup from other Projectors. This awareness will prime the foundation for the entire container.

  • We will clarify your inherent strengths and falsehoods within your unique design.

    We will also discuss, reflect, and develop the highest potential expressions for each center in our first Bi-Weekly call.

  • During this week, we will discover our collective role and mission that unites us as Projectors.

    You will also feel fortified and confident to experiment with your unique expression. These 2 weeks will deeply focus on incorporating this awareness into our daily lives to usher in change and a different reality.

    Most Projectors will observe receiving unique invitations, opportunities, and recognition during these weeks.

  • These 2 weeks are dedicated to your personal study and experiment with the powerful Projector Active Waiting Course. This course is designed to revolutionize the role of waiting and how you perceive waiting in your life.

    We will also clarify what you would like to bring forth into your life, align your frequency with your Projector receptivity, heal the Projector fear of being seen, powerful neuroplasticity work that targets your subconscious, master the dance between waiting and invitations, and so much more.

  • What is deconditioning if it is not a devotion to your personal healing and alignment of your unique divinity?

    In these two weeks, we will integrate deconditioning and healing through the contemplation of our defined and undefined centers.

    It is an introspective dance of honoring both shadow and light, cultivating a deeper Self-agency of your energetic makeup.

  • This week, we will explore a few other keynotes from your HD chart that form the bigger tapestry of your unique divinity.

    These include your interconnectedness as individuals, genetic wiring and predispositions, potential influence on your personality, and more.

  • During this week, we will take an accountable and experimental contemplation of the deeper substructure of your Design.

    This is where you will learn how to nourish your brain and body optimally, your ideal environment for rest/energization, how your mind perceives the world, and how you best consume information.

    We will also explore how your inherent Projector receptivity is deeply tied to your Younger Self with Your Projector Playbook.

  • In the last two weeks, we will explore the Projector Daily Grounding Toolkit, priming your best life with tools and resources for spaciousness, resilience, and manifestations through neuroplasticity and conscious habits.

    We will also be using this time for greater integration, confident experimentation, and reflections, cultivating all that you have learned and, most importantly, feeling fortified in your Projector divinity.

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 "What if I told you that the reason why you want certain things so deeply is because it's already yours at some point on the timeline?

Your future self is whispering to you through recurring intuitive feelings, dreams planted deep within, quiet whispers in your solitude, crystal clear visions...
Those desires are not just wants, they're previews of what's within your reach; of what is possible,

if you choose to show up for it."

Projector, imagine this...


⪼ Feeling fortified in your S & A and Projector's easeful magnetism and receptivity

⪼ Feeling anchored, proud, and unwavering in your differentiated design and no longer holding yourself in comparison to others

⪼ Feeling a deepened sense of self-trust, self-Understanding, and confidence in your unique Projector divinity, including your inherent gifts, craft, knowledge, and wisdom

⪼ Having the grace, compassion, and patience for your unique unfoldment and co-creation with the Universe

⪼ Feeling clear and expanded in your Projector signature of success— and actively and consciously holding the frequency to receive them

⪼ Being surrounded by like-minded and supportive Projectors who are intentionally and actively de-conditioning and taking embodied and practical actions to live their design like yourself

⪼ Holding the dance of Waiting with minimal effort, equanimity, and conviction (and actually receiving these invites!)

⪼ Living a life where energetic mastery, play and rest are finally not complex but effortless in your being

⪼ No longer staying small or letting the world or you downplay your uniqueness

⪼ No longer locked in the frequency of fear when the self-doubt, self-sabotage, and inadequacy kick in but feels confident in consciously healing them as they come up

⪼ Feeling a renewed and empowered sense of your individuated Projector mission and purpose

⪼ Feeling confident as you apply conscious and congruent decisions that prioritize empowerment and practical embodiment of living your Projector design

⪼ Feeling resilient in thriving in a world where we walk next to the sacral being with your go-to Projector Daily Grounding Toolkit

⪼ Pursuing to be of service and expansion for the new world because you finally hold the readiness to step into our collective’s mission wholeheartedly

⪼ No longer living a life of resistance, force, and depletion but confidence, trust, FUN, intentionality and receptivity

Knowing you are a Projector is one thing, being an empowered Projector is another.

This life can be yours (and more) in the upcoming months if you consciously choose to step into the work and invest in yourself.

Are you going to keep downplaying your uniqueness and gifts, and let the critical voice of fear keep you in familiarity?

Can you level up to receive what the Universe and your higher self have in store for you instead?

 “How many times do we have to forget, until we stop forgetting and start remembering, that is the moment of change."

The Projector Remembrance
is for you if,

You are a newly discovered Projector who desires change in his/her life and is ready to wholeheartedly step into your highest divinity as the Projector you came here to be.

You are a Projector who has been in the Projectorhood/deconditioning journey for the past year or more, perhaps experiencing some stuckness and/or feeling a call to expand your awareness, rewire your subconscious, and take congruent actions to create a deeper alignment with your unique divinity and your version of Projector Success.

You want to learn more about the Human Design System and be mentored by a Human Design Reader who is a Projector and not other energy types.

You want to expand the way you see the world through an energetic lens and get clarity on your inherent gifts, strengths, and uniqueness to live out your Projector Success.

 You are a Projector who firmly believes that self-Understanding, awareness, healing and authenticity are deeply intertwined and hold a willingness to approach it with readiness for the change and transformation you desire.

 Human Design has revolutionized the way you perceive your life and yourself so far, and you desire more, including translating this awareness into empowerment, integration, and practical embodiment as the Projector you came here to be.

 You crave a safe space, solidarity, and community in your life and deeply believe in the power in them.

 You firmly believe that living a life of ease, spaciousness, recognition, correct invitations, and your unique version of Projector Success is within your reach, beyond your current sense of Self-concept (past experiences, traumas, and victimhood).

 You recognize that Human Design is a mechanical system that encourages you to return to your body and awaken the divinity within you. You are aware that it is an experimentation in motion that requires patience, dedication, alignment, and true surrender, not fast results.

 You are ready to uplevel yourself in your Projectorhood journey and step into your unique role to support the collective.

 You are a conscious soul who firmly believes that you chose to be a Projector in this lifetime for a reason, and to embark on these unique missions, you’ll have to embody and live out the fullest expression and essence of who you came here to be. (And you are ready for it!)

 You seek to be supported and mentored in a differentiated manner and a group setting. You firmly believe in the power of mentorship and sisterhood and are ready to invest in yourself.

 You are a firm believer in co-creating with the Universe. You are ready to deepen and solidify this trust whilst honoring your inherent Projector receptivity and energetic nature.

 You hold a readiness, commitment, dedication, and self-accountability to take conscious practical actions in your life, including the time, energy, and space required for this program (including rewiring your subconscious, decondition, and heal) to honor your divinity, usher change, and create the new reality you desire.

 You are ready to be seen, connected, and supported by Sylvia and other Projectors in a virtual group setting.

You are in a transformative state. You hold the audacity to get deep, vulnerable, and authentic and are committed to making room for this new energy.

 You are in a chapter of change and know you did not arrive at this landing page or read till here for a reason.


Meet your guide:

I’m Syl,

The founder, spiritual writer, certified Human Design reader and Projector mentor behind Arawme and Your Companion.

A 1/3 Self-Projected Projector passionate about Human Design and desires to support my fractals in their unique energetic make-up by living their design with a focus on Self-concept, practical integrations, and embodiment.

I have compiled TPR strategically and tailored it through a differentiation-first approach based on my ongoing personal de-conditioning journey (1/3 individual here), refinements through past cohorts, Human Design studies as a certified reader, countless client work and embodied immersive experiences that have allowed me to achieve the spaciousness, and authenticity, recognition and Projector success that I have today.

It is my intention to impart this lifelong mastery through this profound container.



  • Yes, if you have just discovered you are a Projector, this will be a supportive container for you.

    This is a journey of Self -understanding, of re-learning your wisdom, of unlearning your falsehoods and cultivating your unique version of authenticity through the technology of Human Design. The goal is not just to impart to you the awareness of your design but to transform that into self-concept, empowerment, and practical embodiment using tools like neuroscience and the powerful guidance and support of a heart-led community.

  • If you have been in the experiment for a year or so and are sensing a block/stagnancy/bitterness and would like to shift out of that or deepen your current Self-Understanding of your Projector divinity, this container will be supportive.

    Regardless of your prior knowledge of the Human Design system, there will still be more to unearth, relearn, and integrate as you create a deeper alignment with yourself.

  • The live program itself is 12 weeks. All members have lifetime access to program content and the TPR community chat to stay involved as part of the TPR community for additional ongoing support and have a place to return to these helpful resources at any time upon the completion of the program.

  • The program is delivered through a self-paced learning platform spanning over 12 weeks, inclusive of instructions, courses, resources, toolkits, video lessons, etc. The program's pace is strategically structured to provide sufficient time between sessions for Projector rest, integration, experimentation, and reflection.

    We will get together every 2 weeks for our group call for deepened integration, discussions, and reflections. Each call is run intuitively but may also follow the format of the program structure.

    We will maintain a community chat to keep everyone accountable and supported.

    You are encouraged to follow the program's structure, but if you have fallen off the schedule, it is fine. Know that it is just a layout, and nothing is set in stone. Always trust your pace and what feels best for you.

    Thrivecart/Learn will be the platform to facilitate the program and resources.

    The circle will be where we gather for our active community chats and where you can reach out to me for any individual support throughout our next 12 weeks together. I will be available from 9 to 5 p.m.

    Zoom will be where we will meet for our bi-weekly group calls. The link will be provided a day in advance, with a recording shared within a day post-call.

  • You resonate with my work, transmissions and energy thus far. You recognize me as a guide or a expander in your Projectorhood journey. You resonate with the entire section of “ The Projector Remembrance is for you if…”

    You hold a readiness to uplevel, expand and actively live a life through your unique Strategy and Authority, live out your Success as a Projector, and take embodied and practical actions to reclaim this divinity.

    You are ready to be seen.

  • As this program is primarily facilitated through a group support, all bi-weekly calls are with other members of the program.

    Our first individual Get To Know You call is for me to get to know you on a personal level so I have a clear understanding of how to best support you in a more nuanced way.

    After that, I remain available for your differentiated support (private messages) via the Circle App, where sound recording and texts can be utilized. I will reply to all your messages within the working hours of 9-5 pm daily.

    Many previous Projectors thrive on the direct support available to me.

  • Yes! I intend to, but I have not decided when.

    A self-paced version will launch soon if this set up works better for you. But it will be without any live group support.

  • Yes, there may be certain awareness that is already familiar to you, but our previous 1:1s would not have been as specific or cohesive the way it was delivered.

    In this program, we will be cultivating your authenticity, grounding your Projector resiliency in your subconscious and expanding your confidence in your divinity in a more practical way.

  • The Projector Remembrance Spring cohort is looking to start around March 21st or 22nd, around the Equinox.

  • You are reading this because you believe in the power of mentorship and sisterhood in deconditioning as a Projector.

    The program is 12 weeks long, and courses are spread out and self-paced. Our bi-weekly group calls are 120 minutes long each.

    We maintain support, exchanges,and accountability through our active group chats and group calls. You are encouraged to dedicate your energy, time, and intention to all of these to get the most out of the program.

  • It is understandable that most of you may be living at a different timezone from one another (including me!), but the calls are the most supportive, profound and catalysing when we get-together.

    Regardless of the busyness in your life, I ask that you strongly prioritize and utilize these calls in the upcoming 12 weeks. Feel free to let me know the best suited timings for our call so we can work around what is the best for you.

    There will be a post-call recording sent to everyone at the end of it.

  • Yes! It is my intention to make my paid offerings accessible financially to as many people in the world as possible. Outside the Early Bird launch, I offer 3 different payment plans for the entire cart period.

    If you require an extended payment plan or over a longer timeframe, please drop me an email at sylvia@arawme.com so we can discuss if it is feasible.

  • Yes I do! I understand the financial constraints that could hold one back from entering a program like this.

    I offer a FULL grant/scholarship to 1 Projector for each round. Application for the grant for TPR Fall will be announced closer to the date.

  • All purchases finalized cannot be refunded.

    Please read this Sales Page thoroughly before committing to this group container. You are welcome to chat with me over on the Projectorhood Collective or DMs if you need more clarity in arriving at a decision.

    Above all, you are encouraged to trust your authority before entering into the commitment.

    I take a lot of pride and responsibility in the work that I do and the clients I serve. I am confident that with my differentiated and correct Projector guidance through the course structure, you will not be disappointed.

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enrollment is closed for Spring.

*We begin the next Fall Equinox.

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 May this be the invitation you have been waiting for, Projector.