Are you feeling called to engage in my frequency & invest in your
growth and healing?



harmony is a wonderful thing. But not nearly as powerful as awareness.
— Arnold Mindell

The truth is, if you have arrived till this page, there is something about my energy, my words and my work that calls out to you.

Many gravitate to me as the compassionate, soft, wise and safe container as I advocate and support one in their journey of remembrance, regardless if it is in the sphere of self-discovery, self-healing, spirituality or Human Design.



In my 32 years of life as line 1/3, my naturally investigative and experimental nature has since taken my life into a whirlwind of places, relationships, professions, space-holding, deep studies, awakenings, physical and self-healing journey. But most importantly, they have guided me back to myself; embodying and living an intentional life relentlessly that honors the unique divinity my soul came here to be.

I am a firm believer in the power of journeying inwards for oneself and the beauty of wholeheartedness in this journey we call life.

After all, each of us embodies that seed to reclaim that power, heal and become empowered despite our pain points, emotional, and psychological wounds, and conditionings. And I hope to guide you there with my sessions.

Whether you are a heart-led and conscious individual, a creative or a business owner, you have made it to the right space.

You arrived here because you are ready and seek to be seen and supported.

One might ask, what does working with Sylvia look like?

My past clients described working with me as one of safety, gentle wisdom, powerful guidance, compassion, and softness (and oftentimes, with a kick of blunt honesty). My values are grounded in energetics, empowerment, excitement and embodiment.

As a Projector Guide and Mentor, I work with Projectors globally from all over the world.

My sessions run on a small number each week. All of my live offerings are mostly 1:1 or in a small, intimate group, never exceeding a ratio of 5, as I prioritize catering to each of your individual needs.

Each of my 1:1 sessions is highly sacred and kept private to the highest level of confidentiality for each client. Sessions are usually scheduled weeks ahead and may be coupled with journal prompts for each individual’s unique experimentation process.

For those who feel called to work with me individually for an extended period, I also offer 1:1 SHUI 水Projector mentorship and 1:1 Projector Business Mentoring for the emerging soul-led Projector businesswoman. Contact me for more information.

My small group, live mentorship container is a flagship program that allows one to work with me for an extended period alongside other Projectors- it is a powerful container led by a differentiation-first approach and enhanced with the guidance of group support.

I have also intuitively created a range of offerings (workshops, self-paced courses, 1:1 and live container). It is my hope that you find one that supports you wherever you are in your journey.

Explore them below.



The projector success codes workshop

The Projector Success Codes Workshop is a short, self-paced workshop curated for Projectors to clarify on what Success means to each individual.

Lessons included: Discover your 4 Success Codes, Identifying Your Blocks & Reframing New Neural Pathways, Leaning Into Your Expanders, Declaring Your Success Codes + Vision Board Exercise

Course is delivered on Circle.



projector active waiting course

This self-paced course is designed to revolutionize the role of waiting and how you perceive waiting in your life as a Projector. 

It is curated to support you in your strategy of Waiting for the Invitation as a Projector, encouraging you to feel fortified in your S & A while holding a deepened sense of self-trust and confidence in your Projector's easeful magnetism and receptivity states.


1:1 Sessions

Becoming Empowered 1:1 Human Design Session

An intuitive and activating reading that is ideal for everyone new to Human Design or who is at the beginning of their Self-discovery and Self-understanding journey and would like to understand their unique energetics and divinity through the technology of Human Design.

For Projectors, this is ideal for individuals who are completely new in their Projectorhood and de-conditioning journey and would like to receive clarity in understanding their unique divinity.


unearthing projectorhood 1:1 Uplevel Session

This transformative session is catered for Projectors who are already in their experiment for more than 6 months but wish to uplevel their alignment and/or be supported and mentored directly by Sylvia.

It is catered for conscious Projectors who would like to deepen their awareness, integrations, Self-understanding, Self-mastery and take congruent actions towards thriving as a Projector in our sacral-dominant world.


Seasonal Live Group Container

The Projector Remembrance (TPR)

A powerful, small group and deeply intimate 12-week group mentorship container designated to support and uplevel Projector women with the guiding awareness of their unique divinity.

It is a strategically curated journey of transforming Self- understanding, awareness and readiness into empowerment and practical embodiment with the activation of neuroplasticity and the guidance of a heart-led community.