10 Gentle Reminders For Projectors To Thriving In A Sacral-Dominant World
Human Design, Unearthing Projectorhood
First of all,
it is by no mistake, mishap, cosmic blunder, or coincidence that your soul consciousness chose for you to be a Projector in this life. Like all energy types, we each carry a unique mission- as a collective of Projectors, and individually in our respective unique design.
Many of us grew up with unconscious upbringing- from unconscious parenting to unconscious environment, to unconscious societies. Many of us grew up with our power taken away from us at a young age because we were taught that it was not okay to be different, to be sensitive, to feel so much, to see differently.
Most of us were taught to stay small and quiet instead; to hide our natural Projector gifts from the world and to fit into the mould like everyone else does. We were told to be silent, and passive and to stay homogenized so we can feel safe, accepted, belonged, fulfilled, loved, and seen.
Only that one day, would we realize that somewhere along that yellow brick road of chasing external validation and holding our authentic selves back, that we would finally admit that we never once felt truly seen until we finally see ourselves for who we truly are. For celebrating our differentiation and honoring our divinity collectively and individually. That was what Human Design birthed for me, a self-acceptance slip for loving my entire being for who my soul consciousness came to be.
And you can have this too.
we are awakening & your role as a steward
Many of us are awakening right now, far more than before. We are waking up to the senseless, uninspired, exhaustive, disconnected, and inauthentic way of living and being. We are waking up from the falsehoods and fears that held us back and pervade most of our lives. We are opting out of homogenization leaning into our authenticity and being truthful to ourselves. We are waking up. We are discerning the noises that may have misguided us for far too long, and leaning into the quiet truth from deep within.
As we lead up to 2027, more people will awaken. And they will need you as Projectors- to step into your collective and individual mission and gifts to be a steward of this new humanity. Regardless if you have received this nudge through Human Design, Astrology, or other spiritual modalities, or a spiritual awakening as I did, know that it was not a coincidence. You are awakening and that is all that matters.
If you have been familiar with my personal Projectorhood and deconditioning journey, learning that I was a Projector 5 years ago changed my life. Looking at the world with an energetic lens and prioritizing energetic mastery is something effortless for me now. Many of my clients and readers come to me feeling exhausted and burnout as they struggle to thrive around Manifesting Generators, Generators and other disempowered non-sacrals beings (who are still trying to be and/or keep up with a MG/G, and not knowing they are just not designed to be like that in the first place).
Like, how do you show up as your true self when others do not understand? How do you deal with an evolved version of yourself when everyone and everything around you remains unchanged? How do you begin to honor your divinity when you constantly feel exhausted keeping up with others?
Below are my 10 gentle reminders for Projectors to thriving in a sacral-dominant world.
As always, I created this list based on my personal lived wisdom in my personal deconditioning journey and my background as a Human Design Reader. Take what resonates and let go of what doesn’t.
10 gentle reminders for Projectors to THRIVE in a sacral-dominant world
Holding a strong Projector Awareness ( + actively living your unique design!)
There comes a point in your de-conditioning journey where holding awareness, readiness and knowledge with your unique expression as a Projector is insufficient unless you intentionally and actively live life through your unique Strategy (of waiting for the invitation) and Authority, and take embodied and practical actions to reclaim this divinity.
To live your design.
Holding a strong awareness isn’t about reading up or saving every Projector IG post, self-studying or enrolling in numerous courses and workshops, or having loose concepts of what your mind and others think a Projector should do and be. Holding a strong Projector awareness is, consciously choosing a life of empowerment, embodiment, and experimentation by living by the design of our Energy Type (Projector), strategy (waiting for the invitation), and authority (emotional/splenic/ego/mental/self-projected). When we take the deconditioning consciously and actively, will we finally be able to distinguish those falsehoods and facades that were not ours to begin with and learn how to optimize our energy sustainably as a Projector. This naturally supports us as we walk this world besides the sacral beings; tapping into our gifts, holding a strong Projector awareness of what is ours, what isn’t, what to leverage on, and what to let go and witness instead.
The firm grasp of acknowledging energies that are not ours to sustain and knowing when to let that go.
One can also have a session with a reader to go deeper into their respective Human Design to understand and support oneself better.Seek to understand other energy types
Human Design is also known as the science of Differentiation. It is built on the foundation that each of us is mechanically and energetically different from one another. It is a technology that empowers self-Understanding, self-Knowledge, individuality and differentiation; the felt, the unspoken and the unseen of our auras.
One thing that made my deconditioning easier earlier in my journey was to simply and finally accept others as they are. During my Human Design studies, I was able to learn about other energy types, their unique auras, gifts and how each energy type is fundamentally and magically different from one another. That eventually opened up a well of self-compassion and self-empowerment for myself and nurtured the same compassion for others.
One must note that even though an individual may be a specific energy type, oftentimes, he/she may not be consciously empowered in their design but living in their not-selves. For that same reason, a big part of accepting others as they are is to fully acknowledge and embrace them wherever they may be in their journey. As you gradually hold a greater awareness of the other energy types, it is really interesting to see them as they are and how to guide/support them when invited. You do not have to be a Human Design reader to understand other energy types, there are numerous content out there available for free that you can have access to.
In my personal experience, which may not be for everyone, with permission and invitation as always, I am aware of the Human Design of almost all of the closest people in my life. With that, I was able to hold greater compassion, appreciation, and understanding of their unique divinity and our energetic differences. I have better relationships with my loved ones and can support them, whenever invited, through their design respectively.Drop the comparison traps
When we hold the fundamental awareness and acknowledge the differences and unique expressions/roles of each energy type, we naturally open up a well of spaciousness for collaboration instead of competition, acceptance instead of comparison, celebration and support instead of jealousy.
There used to be a time earlier in my entrepreneurship and professional journey where I would often question my exhaustion, my slowness, my desire for rest and inconsistency in showing up with other soul-led entrepreneurs. Little did I know, I was comparing myself to the sacral beings or the Manifestor. What Human Design illuminated for me was the gift of self-acceptance for myself and acceptance for others as they are. Like how you and I have our Projector role and mission to play in the world, so do they.
4. Find like-minded individuals, community and expanders
Regardless of your circuitry, definition, authority and profile lines, it is so important to cultivate like-minded individuals in your life. Quality over quantity. These are people whom you can ask for, for holding space, for arriving at clarity, for inspiring you, for making you feel seen and recognized, for celebrating you, for respecting your energetic mastery and need for space. They are like-minded individuals with whom you can indulge and share the silliness, awkwardness, joy and myriad of beautiful moments that life brings.
It is also great to have Projector friends too who are intentionally and actively de-conditioning and taking embodied and practical actions to live their design. However, being surrounded by other empowered and conscious energy types is also beautiful so long we accept our creative expressions and gifts and not impose them on one another.
I am blessed to have like-minded Projector friends in my life and several empowered sacral beings and it is so, so beautiful to see! I never had to explain myself excessively whenever I felt exhausted, overwhelmed in bigger groups that I couldn’t make it to or had to postpone a social meetup/gathering, etc. Many of them always encourage me to rest more and trust my receptivity whenever I may have forgotten that for myself.
In my entrepreneurship journey, I use expanders to support me in my vision and manifestations. Expansion is a process that creates a space in your subconscious mind to see and to believe that what we desire, is possible for ourselves. We expand through others also known as our expanders. Expanders are individuals who make that process seem within our reach because it was within the reach for them. Ever since I learned about Human Design 5 years ago, I no longer take sacral individuals as my expanders. I have weeded them out from my socials and currently only have expanders who are empowered Projectors and/or are embracing slow and intentional living. Some of the Expanders in my life include Pilar Lesko, Valeria Hinojosa, Shayna Teresa Taylor and Erin Claire Jones. If this is something of interest, check out Lacy’s Manifestation Challenge at To Be Magnetic.
5. Prioritize energetic mastery
Like many of you, Human Design illuminated me with an awareness of looking at the world through an energetic lens. Offering me an awareness of how our energies are engaged with the external world. As a Projector, Energetic Mastery to me, is a powerful practice in the Projectorhood and deconditioning journey. It is a living practice of holding ourselves accountable to live by wholeheartedly living in our design. Energetic mastery has everything to do with protecting, respecting and thriving with your energy configuration as a Projector and your unique design. It is knowing and working with what is yours and what isn't that you may have picked up in a day. This includes regular energetic check-ins, decompressing in your aura every day through a downtime, resting before feeling tired, being mindful of where your energy leaks are through understanding your centers and so much more... It is working with your design, feeling fortified with our strategy (waiting for the invitation) and tuning into our authority.
One of our roles in this new world leading up to 2027 is to guide others in navigating new energetic shifts, and pathways and activating their creative expressions. We are here to share the concept of 𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙨𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮. We can only pave these shifts when we undertake the path ourselves, of enoughness; of energetic mastery; of honoring our energetic blueprint. I share about 8 Energetic Non-Negotiables For A Projector here.
Energetic mastery is also a concept discussed in Your Companion 2024 Planner— the world’s first-ever HD energy-type specific planner that I have curated just for you. It is currently available only for Projectors. Check it out here!
6. Heal yourself and allow yourself to be seen
As Projectors, we are here to be seen. The way our aura works is that we are unconsciously drawing people in, especially the sacral beings who are attuned to our frequency. Our piercing and penetrating aura does its thing when it interacts with another sacral being. They will naturally be drawn to our aura, calling us in to guide them and impart them with the wisdom of what we see.
However, an important piece of truth for Projectors, is that for the world to notice our unique divinity and gifts, we need to let ourselves be seen. We need to be visible. We do so by first seeing ourselves and breaking the veil and fear of being seen.
The energy behind the fear of being seen and feeling small is rooted in our earliest conditioning as children. Most of us were taught to stay small and quiet instead; to downplay our natural Projector gifts from the world and to fit into the mould like everyone else does. And naturally and respectfully, we do so to feel safe, accepted, belonged, and loved. Or at least that is what the world and society’s definition of love and belonging has taught us to believe.
For Projectors, feeling seen is so imperative for us. Feeling sidelined and invisible on the other hand is extremely debilitating. Where in your life do you currently feel seen and recognized? Where in your life do you no longer feel seen and recognized? For the latter, those areas in your life are where you have outgrown and where you need to let go of.
Our gifts are here to be recognized by the other to open up that energetic interaction. Where can you make yourself visible so others can invite you for your uniqueness/your gifts/your skillset/your time? Use this time to heal and recover from any form of empathetic burnout, use this time to heal yourself.
In my experience, before having Arawme, I used to have a private LiveJournal for over a decade (no idea if anyone still uses it right now). I was NOT comfortable letting the world read what goes through my thoughts and what goes on in my personal life. I had a lot of shame then around feeling alot and feeling deeply. I was also deeply confused about my relationships, my identity and direction then in life. When I began Arawme, I had gone through somewhat of a rebirth through my second spiritual awakening. I felt I was healing enough to finally share with the world about myself. I do not ever feel like I am fully healed. Even at this point of writing, I am still sitting with my fragmentation and where they illuminate a greater healing in me. But somewhere along then, I knew, I was ready to be seen. My desire to serve, empower and inspire others was greater than my fears, inadequacy and self-doubt. And honestly, quite frankly, after losing friends and someone I considered the love of my life, and rebounding after my life spiraled downwards, I felt I could handle anything. And so I started Arawme. Arawme then and now has evolved and I can’t be prouder of us.
7. Redefine what guidance and your role is in the world
As Projectors who have awakened in their design and are actively working on our healing and deconditioning journey, it is unsurprising that some of us may feel called to be of service and to guide. After all, guiding is one of our many inherent gifts as Projectors. And as stewards of our new world, we need more of us. When you are transitioning to be of service and are clueless about what you are good at or where to begin, consider asking yourself the few questions below.
What do you see that is missing in the world? What niche/industry piques your interest the most? What do people come to you naturally for support? What guidance do you wish to offer to the world? At your core, what does guidance mean to you?
Guidance does not have to be anything specific or formal, nor does it have to necessarily undertake a leadership role. Guidance can simply be a listening ear, mirroring what you see which the person in front of you may not at the moment. There have been many statements about Projectors mechanically designed to thrive best only in a 1:1 setting. Whilst I find that deeply true in my life to some extent, I do not believe it is an overarching statement for all Projectors. Some of my Projector clients that I have worked with are not designed to serve specifically in a 1:1 setting. It is important to always consider one’s entire design for a cohesive expression of each divinity.
8. Self-compassion begins today
There may be instances in our life as Projectors where we may find it frustrating, confusing, and lonely living in our sacral-dominant world. Moments where the self-doubt, self-pity and overwhelm kick in and you wonder if anything was wrong with you. I feel you completely and I hope you will never forget that you are unique just the way you are. Nothing needs to be changed about you. Do whatever you have to restore your nervous system and nourish your container. Self-soothed. Cocooned under your sheets. Play with your dog. Dance like no one is watching. Go for a long walk. Move. May you give yourself some self-compassion today.
“ It is a beautiful experience being with ourselves at a level of complete acceptance. When that begins to happen, when you give up resistance and needing to be perfect, a peace will come over you as you have never known.
9. Lean into the experiment but do not let the system become a dogma
Know that above everything, Human Design is a logical and mechanical technology that empowers one to experiment with in their daily life. It does not offer you a foolproof manual on how to live your life and derive success as a Projector. It is important too, to not make being a Projector your entire identity or misuse it as avoidance tendencies, procrastination or self-victimizing/depreciating behaviors. If anything, Human Design is not here to diminish your divinity but for you to reconnect with yourself and activate it. It is here to remind you that you were never meant to be boxed or is a problem that is needing to be solved. It encourages you to explore, to have fun, to be, to be in passenger consciousness and not let your mind overrun your life and for you to watch how that unfolds when you lean into the experiment.
Our ego is always looking for definitive labels, make sure you define yourself by living your unique expression and divinity.
10. Embrace intentionality and slowing down
When the world is so fast-paced, always find ways to unplug and slow down. Begin by bringing more intentionality into your life. Begin each day with the intentions you want to bring forward for the day/week. An intention seeks no timeframe, they are a tool for you to live your life more purposefully. Intentionality ushers more receptivity into our lives, a feminine energetics that supports all Projectors as we operate with our strategy of waiting for the invitation.
.When we slow down, we find ourselves clearer and calmer, and more in tune in showing up with our gifts to support other energy types. The world is in need of more stewards like you for having discussions and conversations about normalizing rest, slowing down and living life intentionally.
I hope this has been supportive for you! Feel free to leave a comment below or share my article on Pinterest/IG for your Projector friends.
One of my biggest callings since awakening as a projector is to serve other projectors like yourself. I have once felt overwhelmed, clueless and alone too. De-conditioning and stepping into our projectorhood can feel confusing at times. Do check out my other free resources in “Unearthing Projectorhood”. I have designed my free resource, “Projector’s 3 Agents of Change Guidebook” to support projectors like you in becoming and feeling empowered as we decondition and embark on our projectorhood journey. In this 30+ page toolkit, I share my tried and tested ( line 3 here) personal in depth-expansive practices to assist you in activating your projector divinity today. Read more about it here.
If you are looking for something physical and tangible to support you in your deconditioning and projectorhood journey, my Your Companion 2024 Planner is the world’s first-ever Human Design energy type specific planner. It is currently available only for Human Design projectors. Besides being a year, month and weekly planner, it contains a comprehensive guide about Human Design catered to projectors with a focus on practical integration and embodiment.
It is suitable for any Human Design projectors who are at the beginning of their de-conditioning journey or have been in their experiment for a while. It is designed to instill self-accountability and empowerment for one to take practical actions toward a life of authenticity, fulfillment, ease and Projector success. Read more about it here.
The Projector Remembrance is a 12-week, small group, live Projector mentoring container, centering around the technology of Human Design and Neuroscience.
TPR is for soul-led Projectors who are serious about stepping into their Projectorhood with a focus on community, embodiment and practical integration through differentiated and group support.
If you are looking to wholeheartedly uplevel and align yourself with your unique Projector divinity, and hold the readiness to usher change and live a different reality, I welcome you to join us in this sacred container.
Explore here.
Lastly, if you feel called to engage in my frequency and have an in-depth Becoming Empowered Human Design session or a Projectorhood Uplevel Session, do get in touch with me here.
All my love. Sat Nam,
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I am Sylvia— the founder, writer and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.
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