Harnessing The Lunar Cycle: A New Moon Ritual For You
“Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.”
Lunar Cycle
In each of our every day of our life, we are bestowed with the free will to start anew; to begin again. It is the essence of being human- the blue print of our existence. Nevertheless, it is a choice we often overlook and brush aside.
The lunar cycle is a cycle of the moon over a period of 29.5 days. The most prominent phases are the full moon and the new moon. They both hold profound power energetically. Many of our life themes also run in cycles- however hidden to our eyes and peripheral understanding. In ancient traditions and practices till this very day, many hold high reverence of the moon and its lunar cycle. Our moon governs the Divine Feminine energy, marks a new starting point and possess an internal yin energy. We are all influenced by the moon profound energies- from our ocean’s tidal movement, our emotional patterns, farming practices and so on.
The Universe constantly strives to remind you that you have the ability to celebrate endings to make space for beginnings- it is a matter of whether you take its cue or not. When we learn to harness the lunar cycle in relation to our life themes, we are allowing ourselves to investigate, dive deeper and find clarity in understanding them. By tapping into the ancient energies of the lunar cycle, we am making space for activating higher vibrations, manifestations, taking stock, reflection and release in our personal life.
New moons are profound times in a lunar cycle.
They are the perfect time for an initiation practice to align our life with the lunar cycle. During a new moon, our skies are the darkest. It marks the beginning of the lunar cycle. A new moon occurs when the moon and the sun are side by side and no illumination is observed. New moons are associated with planting seeds, starting anew, setting intentions and manifestation. Working with the moon assists us in aligning our energetic potential in our daily life from social engagement, productivity, goal setting, menstrual cycles, setting intentions to business. This is a time to align our life to manifest the brave and resilient life we wish to bring forth.
New Moon: New Beginnings, intentions setting, planting seeds
Crescent Moon: Trusting, detail, conceptualize, excited energy
1st Quarter Half Moon: Action towards intentions, building momentum
Gibbous Moon: Trust, allow patience and refine
Full Moon: Reflecting, illumination and letting go
Waning Gibbous: Reflection and gratitude
3rd Quarter Half Moon: Acceptance, letting go
Waning Crescent Moon: Surrender, recharge and reflect
New Moon: Back to the beginning
“The beginning is the most important part of the work.”
New Moon Ritual
A new moon ritual is one of my favorite spiritual practice. So often we live a hurried life without catering enough self- time. A new moon ritual is an invitation to be quiet with yourself and a time for solitude. It is a personal commitment for the best interest of your personal growth and self-care. This is a time to feel comfortable with hearing your thoughts, reviewing your greatest short term and long term goals and desires and channeling automatic writing. If something that you want to manifest has not materialized yet, take this time to include it in again.
It can be done anytime between the wake of the new moon and a week after the new moon. I personally prefer it done a few days after each new moon.
New moons are also a potent time to charge your crystals overnight. The energies of the new moon are more potent and felt about 4 days after it peaks so work your way around that. Charging our crystals during this time allows us to clear buildup stagnant energies from storage or usage. It also locks the new intentions and energies we are welcoming with the new lunar cycle. Always find a sheltered space so the crystals are not destroyed when it rains. Outdoors will be preferred but if you are in a city like me, by the window or balcony works too. I always like to double dose the cleansing and charging of my crystals by smudging them with either a palo santo or sage. ( A more in-depth post about crystals charging soon!)
The beauty of rituals is that they are customizable.
Feel free to tweak it to your convenience, interest and environment. The key of it is to align the purpose of your spiritual practice to the energies harnessed during this lunar cycle. New moons are meant for taking a time inwards and be reflective. It is a time to rewire your purposes with setting intentions and manifesting your greatest desires. Imagine a clean whiteboard (new moon energies) and you are the captain (holding the marker) charting the path to your destination( your greatest desires). A ritual allows us to reground and center ourselves to our highest divine potential.
Below is an example of a ritual that I used this month:
Things You Will Need
Specific crystals and stone you wish to call forth its properties during this new moon
1 smudging tool (sourced sustainably)
Pen and journal
A mirror
A new moon meditation or Solfeggio Frequencies Meditation Music ( you can find one easily on youtube- pick whichever your intuition guides you too)
Begin by preparing your sacred space. This includes putting your electronic devices away, setting some scented candles, putting on some solfeggio frequencies or calming music of your choice.
Begin your crystal cleansing and charging ritual by leaving it under the dark moonlight during the new moon period and taking them in the next morning.
Smudge your space and yourself with sustainably sourced palo santo or sage.
4. When smudging your space, repeat the following:
On this new moon night, my space is cleansed of dense energy and only love and light remains.
May the energy of the moon and stars cleanse all the darkness in this space.
May it only be a space of love, light, joy, protection and positive energy.
I am safe, I am loved and I am protected. Thank you.
5. When smudging yourself, repeat the following 3 times:
Under the power of this new moon energy, I release every heavy energy and dense emotions that is weighing my heart and my mind down.
I release the pain of my heart.
I let go of all that holds me back and make me small.
I allow release and liberation for myself. I forgive myself.
I will do it slowly in the time that works right for me. I am light. I am liberated. I am at peace. Thank you.
6. Put your smudging tool down. Head to the mirror, with a hand over your heart and recite, “I love you” 10 times.
7. Find a comfortable position and begin your new moon meditation. I would recommend at least 15 minutes.
During your meditation, make time at the end to call forth to your spirit guides, angels and ascended master. Thank them for the journey that they have supported you thus far. Ask them to continue supporting you with guidance, downloads and wisdom. Ask them to continue channeling divine wisdom and inspiration through you for your highest divine truth and good.
8. Once you come out of the meditation, quickly begin by writing in your journal your reflections on this new moon night. Reflect on what are you grateful for, what has manifested in the past months, what needs to be reviewed and what has been on your mind. Let your words come to you naturally. Do not hold back your truth.
9. On a separate page or section of your journal, write, “ This or something better- in its divine timing.”
10. Begin by writing 5 intentions you wish to manifest in the upcoming days/weeks/months. Write in, “I am” not “I want, or I need.” Your goal is to write it in the present tense as if you have already gotten it. Your statement is very important and you have to make it concise. It is important that you cast every doubt within you away in your statements so the Universe can work its magic for you and through you. Write based on how you feel and what are your greatest heart-centered desires. Take your time to review them until you have narrowed them 5 intentions you wish to manifest.
11. Pick a few crystals/stones you wish to enhance and call forth during this new moon and put it by the side of your pillow. Hold it with your non-dominant hand and call forth an intention with it. Eg, Rose Quartz- “I am an embodiment of love for myself and others.” Eg, Citrine- “ I am ready for prosperity in my life.”
12. To close off the ritual, have a last read at the intentions you called forth and close the journal. Head over to your bed and close your eyes. Your goal now is to visualize. Visualize your intentions as if it has happened with your senses. Imagine the settings and how it feels, how it looked, how it smelt like (the laughter, the crimson sunset, the scent of the pines, etc). Visualize it the way it would have unfolded the way you wanted to manifest.
13. With a hand over your heart, gently recite,
“ This or something better. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.”
In my rituals, my favorite crystals to use are my clear quartz, chrysocolla and aventurine. During my meditation, sometimes I enjoy putting on Solfeggio frequencies meditation music. It is a spiritual and healing tool that I have integrated into my life and you can read more here at Solfeggio Frequencies: Its Healing Properties And How I Integrate It In My Life. Another powerful ritual I try to commit to is a full moon ritual and you can read more here about how to use for release and letting go at Harnessing The Lunar Cycle: A Full Moon Ritual For You.
I hope you enjoyed this article and may the work be left in the Universe’s hand for now. Trust and you shall receive.
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I am Sylvia— the founder, writer, intuitive healer, and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.
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Harnessing the lunar cycle: a new moon ritual - arawme