A Beginner's Guide To Kundalini Yoga: The Power of Mantras
spirituality, Kundalini yoga
“it’s the repetition of affirmations
that leads to belief.
And once that belief becomes a deep conviction,
things begin to happen.”
Kundalini Yoga, also known as the yoga of awareness is the oldest and most powerful form of yoga.
It is basically an integration of Bhakti Yoga (the yogic practice of devotion and chanting), Raja Yoga (the practice of mediation/mental and physical control) and Shakti Yoga, (for the expression of power and energy). For me, it was the perfect integration of breathwork (pranayama), kriyas (practices), mudras (hand locks) and mantras (chanting). The combination of these four components works on balancing your chakras and activate your 10 bodies. Hence, one would feel energized or an immediate shift after a kundalini session.
I have only breathed the teachings and wisdom of Kundalini Yoga this year. But it felt like it was the only spiritual practice I could stick to and the practice I have been looking for my entire life. I knew and heard of Kundalini Yoga back in 2017 but a part of me then felt like it was too intense for me at that point; as if I wasn’t ready for it. I knew it was a practice that was capable of activating and awakening the divine feminine energies beyond my understanding. Now, I practice a daily sadhana where I would integrate a kundalini meditation/kriya in the morning. Kundalini yoga has shifted my life tremendously in its profound ways and the mantras are a huge reason for it. Singing and chanting mantras during a kundalini session is extremely normal and there its profound benefits and beauty were the reasons why I have compiled this article.
creatures of habit
As humans, we are creatures of habit- we thrive on habits that run on autopilot.
However more often than we acknowledge, we form thought-based habits that we hold as narratives in our minds.
Self- limiting beliefs are a collection of opinions of ourselves that we form based on life experience and past events. They are the little voices in your head. We call them the mental traps. We repeat them sub-consciously so often that they are cemented in our minds, constraining us in some ways. These self-limiting beliefs are untrue but we have seeded them in our mind, convincing ourselves otherwise. These thoughts are powerful but none of them are congruent with universal facts or contain any truths. Rather, they hold us back from living our highest potential in life.
power of mantras
Mantra is a key component used in Kundalini Yoga and it is used to alter patterns of the mind on a physical and energetic level. Mantras are the vibrational manifestation of its meaning. The sound vibrations of mantra have the ability to elevate or alter consciousness through their meaning and rhythmical repetition. By chanting/singing a mantra, we invoke the positive vibrations of the mantra and broadcast it into our energetic field. The repetition of the sound and the words of the mantra will amplify its meaning in our physical and energetic life. It will almost immediately shift the way you feel regardless if it was letting out your emotions, letting go, reaffirming your self-worth, transmuting your fears to love, etc. As Kundalini mantras are usually sung in a song in versions, the melody and beat of the music assists in its vibrational manifestation and purpose.
All the mantras typically used in Kundalini Yoga are in Gurmukhi, a sacred Indian language, and occasionally, in English. Whenever you feel wayside about life or yourself, you can always tap into the power of mantras to re-ground and rewire your subconscious and strengthen your resilience in any difficulties that may come your way.
“By vibrating in rhythm with the breath
to a particular sound that is proportional
to the creative sound, or sound current,
one can expand one’s sensitivity
to the entire spectrum of vibration.
In other words, as you vibrate,
the universe vibrates with you.”
Below are my top 3 kundalini mantras that will strengthen your inner resilience:
1) Wahe Guru Wahe Jio
Also known as the mantra to shift from fear to love. This mantra will aid you whenever you feel like you are struggling with any situations in your life in terms of transmuting your fears to love. It will help you shift any confusing, dense energies and clear it at your soul level.
Translation: “Divinely wonderful, here and now in my soul, all thoughts that are dark and unconscious will shift to thoughts and vibrations of uplifting light and conscious awareness.”
Wah: a divine spiritual wonderful wow
He: here and now
Guru: from what is dark may light prevail
Jio: soul
HOW TO: Listen to Wahe Guru Wahe Jio by Snatam Kaur (Spotify/Youtube).
Get into a comfy position. Sit with a straight spine and fold the fingers in front of the chest with the index fingers pointing straight up. Listen to the track on the playlist. Keep your focus on your third eye. Sing/chant with the song. Listen to it for 11 minutes, the song goes for 22 minutes. The inner gaze will open your intuition to the calling of your soul.
2) Gobinday Mukunday
Also known as the mantra to clear the subconscious. This mantra will aid you in clearing any mental blockages in your subconscious. Ever catching yourself saying a negative limiting belief or framing a scarcity mindset? “I can’t, I don’t think I can, I’m not, maybe in the future” etc. Use this mantra to regulate and break these deep seated falsehoods and thought patterns.
Gobinday, Mukanday, Udharay, Aparay
Hariang, Kariang, Nirnamay, Akamay
Translation: Sustaining, Liberating, Enlightening, Infinite, Destroying, Creating, Nameless, Desireless
HOW TO: Listen to Gobinday Mukanday by Jai Chand +Grayson (Spotify) or Gobinday Mukanday by Meditative Mind (Youtube).
This mantra can be practiced alone in an easy pose with your hands on your lap with the palms facing upwards and eyes focused on the third eye. Or you can listen to it while focused on a task. Sing/chant with the song.
3) Ardas Bhaee
This is also known as the prayer mantra of letting go. We are all a work of art with letting go. It could be your past, your pain, your anger or even a situation. With this mantra, it is a way of calling Guru Ram Das (who represents the Hope of the Hopeless and the Lord of Miracles). It is a mantra for miracles and grants the deepest prayer within your heart- even those you are unknown to you. It assists you in moving beyond difficult situations and letting go. This is a very personal and deep mantra to me and it helps me get pass very difficult emotions that I was evading or had no idea how to handle. It helps to think of a difficult person or situation you wish to let go off in front of you and sending them pink light as you meditate with this mantra. With Sachee sahee… lovingly let it go and know that your prayer is heard and that blessings and healing in on your way.
Ardas Bhaee, Amar Das Guru,
Amar Das Guru, Ardas Bhaee,
Ram Das Guru, Ram Das Guru,
Ram Das Guru, Sachee Sahee.
HOW TO: Listen to Ardas Bhaee by Snatam Kaur, Guru Ganeshar (Spotify/Youtube).
Sit with a straight spine and relax the upper arms by the sides and bring the hands up to the level of the heart. Interlace the fingers and the grip tighter than normal. Listen to the track on the playlist. Keep your focus on the tip of your nose. Sing/chant with the song.
Do not be afraid to sing it out loud. We activate our throat chakra when we do it. Let your intuition guide you. Enjoy the profound power of mantras and you will feel the significant shift after. Kundalini Mantras is my favorite tool covered in Bhava: Your Journey Inwards Toolkit where I will walk you through insightful topics of Inwards, Compassion, Boundaries, Fears and Resilience. They include a variety of free-flowing and healing practices, tools and affirmations to help you navigate your journey inwards and achieve your highest embodiment of self-love. If this sounds like something up your alley, do check it out over here.
Sat Nam,
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I am Sylvia— the founder, writer, intuitive healer, and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.
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