Kundalini Yoga: The 5 Sutras Of The Aquarian Age
spirituality, kundalini yoga
“Travel light,
live light,
spread the light,
be the light.”
In the Kundalini Yoga community, it is believed that we are currently living in the Aquarian Age. According to the teachings of Kundalini, Yogi Master Yogi Bhajan, he believed the Aquarian Age began on November 11, 1991. However, a transitionary period (a cusp period) exists prior to the Piscean Age that lasts about two decades. So we are now officially in the Aquarian Age.
The Age of Aquarius as explained by astrologers is a phenomenon where the earth’s movement backward (or in “retrograde” motion) into the sign of Aquarius. As everyone knows, there are 11 other signs of the zodiac — the earth will retrograde in each one. So far, earth has been through six of such ages ever since the first appearance of humanity about 25,000 years. It is believed that the Aquarian Age will remain for approximately 2000 years. The age that preceded the Aquarian Age was the Pisces Age and then Aries Age and so forth- backward in the zodiac.
An Aquarian Age is all about interconnectedness especially with knowledge, information, connections and technology. It is a heightened time for fostering interconnectedness with every sentient beings. The changes have already been ongoing and there are subtle sensitivities and tendencies that many people might be feeling towards this great shift in the consciousness. Tendencies such as rejecting old and traditional systems, attachments, choosing presence and awareness, choosing a response instead of a reactive mindset towards life’s challenges, a spiritual path and practice, etc.
And- you might just be one if you are reading this.
The current global upheaval/crisis has indeed been disruptive, disempowering and challenging in many aspects. But it has also been empowering, too. In times of distress, there are many people awakening up and realizing deep, profound truth especially in shedding the old and welcoming new ideas, knowledge and information.
“In this time,
Piscean values are giving way to Aquarian values.
The difference between the two is very simple.
Piscean values work from the ego,
creating boundaries.
Aquarian values have no boundaries;
they are Infinite.
Aquarian consciousness takes you inside your soul,
so that you can relate to the soul in all.”
In traditional India, wisdom was passed down by sutras, which are simply short phrases that are easy to remember and expressed in one line.
Yogi Bhajan has shared 5 sutras that he felt was imperative and summed up his approach to this Aquarian Age. Personally, each of them has such profound and simplistic truths. I hope each of them serves as a good reminder to you as it has for me.
Recognize That The Other Person Is You
Think about the last person you reacted to. Was it your mom? Or the rude lady in the supermarket or your annoying friend over text? One of my favorite quotes mentioned something like- you are the mirror of your reaction and how the person has reacted in that uncomfortable situation has nothing to do with you. We are just responding to our mirrored mental state of being. When we choose to react to a situation, it is important to bring our presence and awareness in acknowledging that somewhere in the situation- our reaction revealed a wounding or healing within us that we have to work on or show compassion to. The situation was just a reflection of your mental state. The same for them when they reacted. It is also important to realize this notion whenever you are comparing yourself or admiring someone in a positive light. The light within them exists within you too. Show compassion for yourself and show compassion to others. So revisit that moment again, recognize that the other person is you, and you always have a choice to react or respond calmly.
2. There Is A Way Through Every Block
Have you ever thought that all of the blocks that you are facing in your life were planted not by others, but yourself? As humans, we do have many programmings residing in our subconscious mind. 95% of the results you desire comes from your subconscious programming. You could be programmed to realize your goals and manifest your dream life, to feel like a failure in a rut, or to be somewhere in between. We hold the capacity to shift ourselves out of it when we recognize that we are the only ones standing in our way from our deepest desires and for manifestations to work itself. In Kundalini yoga, there are many tools especially mantras that you can use to relinquish programmings and clear your mind for clarity and purposeful, intentional living. One of this mantra is called,
Aad Such Jugaad Such Hai Bhai Such Nanak Hosee Bhai Such
It is a mantra taught to call upon whenever you feel a block in your subconscious. You can chant on it, meditate on it or simply listen to it on repeat.
3. When The Time Is On You, Start and The Pressure Will Be Off
This is a beautiful reminder to remind you that the concept of time is man-made and an illusion. When we push an intent to tomorrow, or when it gets better, or next year, or when my kids are older, etc- we are imposing ourselves to the mercy of time. We are dismissing of our heart’s true calling and desires. What do you really want to do today? What has been on your mind that you have been putting off that you could do right now (lockdown/curantine/isolation)? This is a profound reminder imploring you to live, and not just exist. Do not submit to any form of constrains limited by time. Your time is on you. Why not begin now?
Personally, I have always been into astrology! And this downtime in this pandemic is a perfect time for me to get into learning all about it online.
4. Understand Through Compassion or You Will Misunderstand the Times
Compassion is a huge topic in my life and here in Arawme too.
When we offer an element of compassion in any situation, we make room for perspectives to breed; not only in ours but in others too. When we look and understand people, and situations with compassion, it does not mean looking at them in rose-colored glasses. Rather, we are looking at them as they are, without judgments or stereotypes but just a journey different to ours. Move and tread lightly with a heart-driven approach and you will find yourself living with a greater sense of inner peace.
5. Vibrate The Cosmos; The Cosmos Shall Clear The Path
Everything is energies. We are all made of vibrations from the chair you sit on, your laptop in front of you, to the trees, the television and the person next to you. Quantum Physics has profoundly revolutionized the way we view things and how some things are just incapable to be seen, measured, only felt. (I will discuss about Quantum Physics in another post!)
Every vibration has its own frequency. Energy also responds and allows the flow of consciousness. The Universe, our Cosmos- only responds to frequencies.
When you vibrate in self-love (which is the building block of alignment) and higher consciousness of love, peace, compassion, grace- magnetism follows. It is your goal to be the best alignment of your Self to allow the Universe and Cosmos to work in your favor. Having a daily sadhana (spiritual practice), chanting to mantras, listening to Solfeggio Frequencies/ Binaural Beats, walking in Nature, nourishing yourself with self-love, meditating, acting on your creative pursuits, are all examples of how you can work with your alignment and attract your deepest desires. If you are looking at something tangible and specific, Bhava is a free, expansive spiritual toolkit I developed for anyone to work on navigating their journey inwards.
It is your choice if you want to be the greatest vibrational alignment for the Universe.
The Aquarian Age is not to be feared.
In fact, it is an incredibly exciting time for us as we are witnessing the evolvement of true death, a rebirth of the Piscean energies and the spiritual expansion of Earth and our mankind. I hope you will enjoy the sutras by Yogi Bhajan and let me know if they are helpful in your life. Kundalini yoga has revolutionized my life since I breathed into it this year. It was perhaps the spiritual practice I have been looking for in my entire life. You can read more about kundalini yoga and my story over here and I do share information on kundalini mantras on my Instagram. It is my deepest desire to impart as much of what I know from Kundalini Yoga on my posts and my digital offerings. So stay tuned! Sat Nam.
All my love,
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I am Sylvia— the founder, writer, intuitive healer, and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.
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