Harnessing The Lunar Cycle: A Full Moon Ritual For You
“The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen. ”
The Lunar Cycle
I have always been drawn to the moon.
There is something so mystical and enchanting about it that leaves me speechless. When I was younger, I would feel so much heightened emotions during the time of a full moon that I would hide away indoors or refuse to meet anyone. There were times too however when I would seize every opportunity to bask under the moonlight either in solitude or with a loved one during a full moon. When it becomes dark, I would be the one who would search for the moon in the skies the moment I step out in the open- and I still do. There was so much in the air that I did not understand about myself, the energies I felt or the Universe I am a part of.
This has changed in recent years as I have gained more knowledge and wisdom in understanding astrology, the rhythmicity of the moon and spirituality. The truth is, the Universe is just waiting for me to realize certain truths about myself in its divine timing. The truth is, we are all connected and many things in life run in cycles.
Full moons are profound times in the lunar cycle. Full moons are considered powerful during which, what you do or feel are amplified. Psychic abilities and emotional sensitivities are heightened. The Universe constantly strives to remind you to let go of what does not serve you and align with your highest truth and potential- it is a matter of whether you take its cue or not.
This is a time where the hidden unveils, patterns resurface, the unconscious becomes conscious- and most are uncomfortable. Hence it is important to be intentional in what you want to put forth in your life during this period of time. One usually feels the energies of the full moon a few days prior to the full moon and a few days after- but it all varies with each individual. By tapping into and aligning myself with the ancient energies of the lunar cycle, I create a space for activating higher vibrations, manifestations, taking stock, reflection and release in my personal life. Working with the moon assists us in aligning our energetic potential in our daily life from social engagement, productivity, goal setting, menstrual cycles, setting intentions to business.
New Moon: New Beginnings, intentions setting, planting seeds
Crescent Moon: Trusting, detail, conceptualize, excited energy
1st Quarter Half Moon: Action towards intentions, building momentum
Gibbous Moon: Trust, allow patience and refine
Full Moon: Reflecting, illumination and letting go
Waning Gibbous: Reflection and gratitude
3rd Quarter Half Moon: Acceptance, letting go
Waning Crescent Moon: Surrender, recharge and reflect
New Moon: Back to the beginning
New Moon and Full Moon
A new moon occurs when the moon and the sun are side by side and no illumination is observed. New moons are associated with planting seeds, starting anew and setting intentions. A full moon embodies a culmination of energies which enhances shedding and letting go. During a full moon, our earth forms a straight line in between the sun and moon, and full illumination of the moon is observed. It is a perfect self-reflective time as we are encouraged to dive deeper into our personal life themes and to let go of what no longer serves us.
“Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.”
Full Moon Ritual
A full moon ritual is one of my favorite spiritual practice which I would try to commit monthly. It is also an invitation to be quiet with yourself, a time for solitude and a time for your self-care. This is a time to feel comfortable with hearing your thoughts and channeling automatic writing.
It can be done anytime between the wake of the full moon and a week after the full moon. I personally prefer it done a few days after each full moon. Full moons are also a potent time to charge your crystals overnight in the moonlight. It can be done even when the moon is not in sight as the energies are present in the air. Always find a sheltered space so the crystals are not destroyed when it rains. Outdoors will be preferred but if you are in a city like me, by the window or balcony works too. I always like to double dose the cleansing and charging of my crystals by smudging them with either a palo santo or sage. I usually do this exactly on the night of the full moon. ( A more in-depth post about crystals charging soon!)
The beauty of rituals is that they are customizable.
Feel free to tweak it to your convenience, interest and environment. The key of it is to align the purpose of your spiritual practice to the energies harnessed during this lunar cycle. Full Moons are meant for release, shedding and letting go of what does not serve us. A ritual allows us to reground and center ourselves to our highest divine potential. Below is an example of a ritual that I used this month:
Things You Will Need
4 candles
1 smudging tool (sourced sustainably)
Your crystals
Pen and paper
4 pieces of paper
A full moon meditation or Solfeggio Frequencies Music ( you can find one easily on youtube- pick whichever your intuition guides you too)
Begin by preparing your sacred space. This includes putting your electronic devices away, setting some scented candles, putting on some solfeggio frequencies or calming music of your choice.
Begin your crystal cleansing and charging ritual by leaving it under the moonlight the night before or during the full moon and taking them in the next morning.
Smudge your space and yourself with sustainably sourced palo santo or sage.
When smudging your space, repeat the following:
On this full moon night, my space is cleansed of only love and light.
May the light of the moon and stars cleanse all the darkness in this space.
May it only be a space of love, light, joy, protection and positive energy.
I am safe, I am loved and I am protected. Thank you.
When smudging yourself, repeat the following 3 times:
Under the power of this full moon energy, I release every heavy energy and dense emotions that is weighing my heart and my mind down.
I release the pain of my heart.
I let go of all that holds me back and make me small.
I allow release and liberation for myself. I forgive myself.
I will do it slowly in the time that works right for me. I am light. I am liberated. I am at peace. Thank you.
Proceed by arranging and lighting the 4 candles in a square formation and put the crystals you wish to call forth and enhance its benefits in the middle of it.
Find a comfortable position and begin your full moon meditation. I would recommend at least 15 minutes.
Once you come out of the meditation, begin by writing in your journal your reflections on this full moon night. Reflect on the intentions and goals set during the last new moon and review what happened in between. Have you fulfilled them? If not, what did you learn? What else have you learned? Have you grown since the last full moon? Take this moment of gratitude.
In each of the 4 pieces of paper, name them the elements of, Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
In the following paper with each element, be explorative and imaginative, think deeply about the current theme in your life, write 10 things you wish to release and let go of, " start each sentence with eg“ I release… ”
10 things that weigh you down or holds you back. Think about your childhood, roots, home, family, etc.
10 things that make you sad and emotional. Think about what have you been shutting off from yourself and others. Think romantic love, family, yourself, etc.
10 things that make you anxious or hesitant. Think projects, responsibilities, commitments, self-limiting beliefs, etc.
10 things that make you frustrated, angry, impatient and hostile. This could include insecurities and jealousy. Think the people closest to you, family members, spouses, etc.
11. Once each paper is filled with 10 sentences, fold them up into a small rectangle.
12. Hold it above the candles a few rounds and start ripping them into smaller pieces.
13. Recite out loud as you rip them into smaller pieces,
With each ripping of this paper, I feel myself letting go of all the past pain, past hurt and past self-limiting beliefs.
I am a strong, powerful and beautiful being that deserves the world and I am ready for that.
As I release, I let go of everything that dims my light. And I allow it to happen over time.
I am loved, I am worthy and I am light to myself and others.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
14. You may find a fireproof bowl and burn these paper away, or dig a hole in the earth and bury them or throw it in the bin. As you do so, snuff out your candles and say firmly, “I release!”
Hopefully, by then you will find a sudden altered state and energy as I did. The work is done. Now that you have done the work, trust and let the Universe do the rest for you. Another lunar ritual I try to commit to is a new moon ritual for manifestations and new beginnings and you can read more here at Harnessing The Lunar Cycle: A New Moon Ritual For You. A huge hug your way. Happy Full Moon.
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I am Sylvia— the founder, writer, intuitive healer, and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.
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