Unpacking Of 2020 & 8 Truths That I Have Learned As a Conscious & Heart-Led Entrepreneur
personal growth, spirituality, entrepreneurship
“Ego says,
”Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace.
Spirit says,
” Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place.”
2020— What a whirlwind, wasn’t it?
If I have to personally describe 2020 in a sentence, it has to be a year of deeper soul discovery, clarity, alignment, healing and expansion within.
This is a year where many of us have to confront and be-friend uncertainty. This is a year where I finally stepped into my gifts, soul mission and projectorhood as a heart-led and conscious entrepreneur. This is a year I finally honored my mission with my soul-based business and finally, truly align as a sovereign; a feminine-essenced being and conscious business owner.
2020 was meant to be huge. Huge for our world; collectively and individually. Many have awakened and even more will. And if you are reading this right now, you will know what I mean or have been involved in holding the light for others in their awakenings. Each awakening is unique but the notions are always the same.
» Something no longer resonates.
» There is a sense of aridity, loss of power and a deep desire for rebirth.
» There is an acknowledgment and resonance with their inherent values and truth.
Personally, the pandemic was perhaps one of the best things that happened to me in 2020. The Universe gave me a heavy elbow for me to exit my emotionally unfulfilling job. I was offered the grace of time to direct my energy to Arawme. It was the perfect time for my life to slow down, confront, embrace, cultivate, integrate and heal.
And there was healing… soo much healing.
As my soul sister mentioned to me before — as healers, we too, need healing. We too are constantly expanding, growing, alchemizing and integrating.
Our mission here really is to hold that space; that witnessing; for others, including you, so they (and you) too, can self-heal. We have just walked that same path a few steps before you and we feel what you been through. And each time we hold that space for you, we heal an aspect of ourselves too.
As we welcome 2021, below are my reflections as a conscious and heart-led entrepreneur:
Your soul-based business is a relationship with your higher self
When I allow myself to be led by my heart, I allow myself to align and connect deeply with my higher self.
Our higher self is after all not a separate entity. It is, however, a part of us. It is the knowing or awakened aspects of ourselves.
It is through your higher self that your deepest truths and hidden knowledge are accessed. It holds no space for prejudice, jealousy, judgments or ego. Your higher self is caring, patient, compassionate, nurturing, loving and above all, wise.
In the navigation of entrepreneurship in my past year, I have made the biggest soul growth through entrepreneurship itself. It is inevitable as entrepreneurs, that we wear many hats at the same time, balancing different roles and tasks, holding ourselves in the highest vibration of accountability or lowest vibration of self-blame and inadequacy. In each ebb of entrepreneurship, we open ourselves to so much expansion, so much surrendering, so much embracing, so much listening, so much unlearning, so much discovery, so much healing and confrontation with old programmings and conditionings, inner and shadow work. In life, our triggers often point us to a crossroad. Often met with avoidance, ignorance or resistance, it is your teacher of expansion. It is the crossroad between the path of liberation and the path of continued stagnancy — and you always have a choice.
Feminine-essenced business/ softening as an entrepreneur
In my entrepreneurship and business community, there was so much pressure with being and to become a 5/6 figure, successful entrepreneur. The must do’s, the to-do’s, the numerous marketing strategies that made my body contract, the need to hustle and be on the grind, the cold calls, the manipulative sales tactics… and then came the trying to be all of that, along with the disempowerment when it did not fall through, the bitterness and feeling out of place. It worked for many others and I assumed that it would for me—except it didn’t. I felt acutely uncomfortable, unaligned and had burnouts too. I felt as if something innately was wrong with me. And it was after almost a few months of true hustling of doing more, being more, producing more- the striving of this work-life balance that really, truly registered to me that that wasn’t what my soul truly yearned or signed up for. I have outgrown that timeline and reality. I was yearning for a work-life harmony. A harmonious and healthy integration of masculine and feminine energies in my life.⠀
I wanted my soul-based business to be feminine-essenced. It was what I signed up for when my soul committed to this mission and soul work. One which I do not over-value or under compensate either the masculine or the feminine energies in our approach to living. One that is rooted in self-compassion and safety, not scarcity and comparison. One that holds a deep understanding and awareness of flexibility and harmony of everyday living. One that is fuelled by my intuition and excitement, focused on receptivity, authenticity and tied to my body’s energetic wisdom. The old, artificial and ego-fed matrixes of entrepreneurship are dying, the distortions rooted in its disciplines and the egos are being unveiled. The need to always be selling, creating, showing off, doing something and saying something has fallen. Success and heart-led services do not need energetically draining words like forcing, controlling, scarcity, competition, difficulty, depletion and exhaustion. We welcome the heart-led, feminine essenced services and businesses. We welcome words like gentleness, ease, grace, receptivity, feelings, flow, safety, magnetism, authenticity and connection. Stepping up to this dissociation and personal approval was huge. So this is my vow for Arawme; that its energetic field and frequency with my services, products and space-holding remain forever a heart-led and feminine- essenced business.
Listen to my podcast interview here with Robin of Diary of An Empath/Empaths Podcast where we discussed about softening as an entrepreneur, masculine + feminine energies, integrating flow into your life, listening to your body’s energetic wisdom, life purpose and my soul work here in Arawme.
Your business is always evolving and expanding
It amazes me where you listen to your Spirit intently as a soul- with its nudges and wisdom, your business too, begins to evolve and expand. When I started Arawme almost 1.5 years ago, I intended for it to just be a public journal to uplift, inspire and connect with others. I just knew I loved writing and was a wordsmith. I never associated my work to unfold in its present; space-holding, self-discovery, self-healing, visionary, alchemizing, spiritual business it is right now. 2020 has laid great foundations for me in my entrepreneurship journey through self-discovery and coming to acceptance and acknowledgment of my gifts and soul mission. When you listen and allow your heart to be led, at a cellular level, you open yourself for receiving and surrendering. What I can assure you is it will never dishonor you.
Aligned action to co-create your reality
As a feminine-essenced being and business owner, I used to hold the notion of “ trust and you will receive”,“ i’s all divine timing baby”. But in reality, there is a fine line between saying this yet creating aligned actions and not doing anything. It is very easy to say all of these and yet allow ourselves to remain in the vibrations of disempowerment and self-sabotages. Our universe only responds to frequencies, not personal wants, desires, desperation calls or self-pity. Manifestation amplifies by tuning in to the frequency you already are, be it the frequency of joy, abundance or love.
When you work on your mindset, you work on your frequency and the rest will follow. And most of all, our Universe responds to exalted, masculine, aligned actions as you are, after all, its co-creator too.
We forgot that often and confuse the Universe when we are not specific with intentions. Our Universe only wants you to trust, let go of expectations, timelines and to remember that you are widely and fully supported as you always have been.
Ever since I have understood this, several manifestations have occurred for me in 2020 and I can’t truly wait for what 2021 is about to bring too.
Your self-worth is not defined by numbers
In the entrepreneurship journey, either consciously or unconsciously, there will be occasions where we may let our definition of personal success and self-worth be measured through the figures we receive in our digital platforms. This could very well be from the number of views we receive in our IGTV/ Insta Stories, the number of likes from each Instagram post, the number of clicks and views on your blog articles and/or sales page, the number of sales from your services and products, etc. If we are not mindful, we may end up holding negative mental paradigms associating our personal worth along with what is reflected in the numbers. It is imperative to remember that these numbers do not define you at all. Our self-worth is never and will never be measured in figures and clicks, or by anyone other than yourself.
Additionally, there will inevitably be a comparison trap that we hold within ourselves when we measure our journeys with other like-minded entrepreneurs. It is so important to remember that all our journeys unfold differently and in its own unique timeline that is unlike any others. It is important to honor the beautiful ride our soul consciousness chose to be in. Whenever I catch myself in these depreciating, fear-based loops, I will use this awareness and understanding to undertake this inner work journey of acceptance with compassion and love for myself. It is important to acknowledge this wounding of self-worth but not let it consume us. More than often, our hyper-sensitivities and self-worth issues stem from childhood.
If Astrology is up in your alley, I would recommend investigating your unique Chiron sign (aka your energetic sensitivity). Our Chiron sign is always teaching us to re-parent ourselves in ways that were not present or possible in the past. By understanding our Chiron sign, you may find familiarity in understanding a facet of yourself often ignored/ un-addressed or suppressed; a wounding that so often, or occasionally creeping up and reminding you to love and accept yourself again. In my work with Bhava: Your MIndfulness Self-Love Toolkit, I work a lot with reclaiming your power back by taking the journey inwards as we navigate the radical embodiment of self-love through mindfulness, inner work and resilience. A huge topic of Bhava includes a deep dive into inner child work and investigating the woundings we may receive as a child.
discernment is your power
I have always been one who takes huge accountability for the frequency and energetic field of what and who I allow/welcome in my life. This could be in jobs, interactions, social media, people, courses, clients, expanders, etc. As an empath, I am quickly attuned to what feels dense and what does not resonate deeply in my soul. As an entrepreneur with a soul-based business, it can be a struggle with explaining to people what we actually do. We do not want to normalize our soul mission but we don’t want to over convince others too what they are not ready to take on. Having discernment and holding strong boundaries as an entrepreneur, projector (Human Design) and empath is imperative for me. I remain incredibly selective with those who have access to my energies, thoughts, skillsets and gifts. There will be times where our collective’s energies are overwhelming for us to take in. The power of discernment, making sovereign-based decisions, taking regular social media sabbaticals and nourishing yourself by being in your own energy is absolutely helpful too.
lean on your inner circle
In Harvard Business Review, an inner circle is defined as, “a carefully curated group of people who you admire and respect and with whom you share common beliefs and values”. These are the people whom you profoundly respect and value in your life. They are not necessarily the people you spend ample time with but they remain your trusted confidantes no matter where they are. In my personal life, I have an inner circle of virtual and physical friends. They are mostly in the former as I am usually not in the same physical location as them. In 2020, I have since shrunk the size of my inner circle and hold their presence highly in my life.
Ever since Arawme joined Instagram, it has been my most sacred community of like-minded souls of healers, wisdom keepers, entrepreneurs and most importantly- my soul family. I am extremely grateful to connect with a few people I resonate as my soul family. Having a few handfuls of them, (you know you.) meant the world to me as I step into my authentic self, my gifts and the mission that I am meant to serve in this present incarnation. I am also learning that my soul family could also be my friends, my clients, my mentors as we are just weaved from the same cosmic cloth. Regardless of our interests and pursuits, any interaction with your inner circle will always make you feel expanded, rejuvenated, supported, loved, seen and powerful. My inner circle of friends keeps me anchored and accountable in my personal life and entrepreneurship journey. Being able to mutually hold the space for their unfolding too is the most heartwarming and fulfilling experience of my human journey.
“Adopt the pace of nature:
her secret is patience.”
investigate your resistance, trust the Universe’s nudges
One of my mentors once told me, “ The resistance is the heaviest before the birth of something beautiful.” It cannot be more true.
Whenever I feel a form of resistance, I would always investigate if it was being projected from my mind, body or my heart. Normally when the resistance is stemmed from the mind, it is associated with fear patterns, old programmings, conditionings and/or the work of your ego. Normally when the resistance is stemmed from your physical body, it means you are presently physically incapable to conduct the task and do listen to your body’s energetic wisdom. If the resistance is stemmed from my heart/intuition, and there is this resounding “no”, it means that something just doesn’t feel right and I do not have to follow through with it.
One of the best things 2020 has taught me was stepping into my projectorhood as a projector in Human Design (I will write about this in another post!). The theme of container versus strategies as a projector/heart-led entrepreneur has been on my mind as I am presently questioning myself if my current physical energy output in my contract work is something that is sustainable and strategic for me in the long run. At the present moment, I am also feeling the nudges of Spirit for me in a direction or path that I had no intention of (or at least my ego) for 2021. Quite literally, it is taking is a few steps backwards where I came from literally (and geographically!). But you know, being heart-led, you know you have to trust the Universe, honor its guidance and take that leap.
Are you a projector in Human Design or a heart-led, feminine essenced soul-preneur too? Feel free to check out your Human Design from the free calculator here and let me know what you are! I hope you enjoyed and that the above reflection and 8 truths resonate with you. In the weeks before 2021, I have been feeling a deep, expansion and excitement for myself and Arawme for 2021. Do you feel it too? My reminder for you is to stay connected to the divine feminine wisdom and trust for the Universe always has your back.
If you would like to dig deeper into softening as a feminine-essenced entrepreneur, do check out my coffee chat with Robin of The Empath Podcast/ Diary Of An Empath as we discussed about softening as an entrepreneur, masculine + feminine energies, listening to your body’s energetic wisdom, my soul work here and more about me! It is available here or on Spotify and Itunes!
A huge huge your way! Sat Nam.
New here?
I am Sylvia— the founder, writer, intuitive healer, and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.
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