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EFT: A Simple Self-Healing Tool To Begin Today

Self care, Mental Health

Have you ever seen yourself engaging in the behaviors below:

  • Being fully aware that the desire to reach for that tub of ice-cream was purely emotional eating - and yet reaching for it anyway?

  • Being fully aware that the negative emotions that you are feeling does not define you- but acting on that impulsivity anyway?

  • Being fully aware that the matter that happened is in the past but yet feeling jilted and upset with yourself for it?

The above are just some examples where Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can help you in navigating mental health- and a lot more.

EFT is a tapping technique that works on similar meridians points as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Accupressure.

About three decades ago, clinical psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan—the originator of tapping therapy—discovered that one could stimulate the instant release of stored emotions through what he calls, Thought Field Therapy (TFT). It is a therapy based on a belief that all negative emotions are caused by blockages within our energetic system. These negative emotions include fear, anger, guilt, shame, sadness etc.

Even with our increased awareness of our falsehoods and old behaviors, there will be times where we feel the urge to give into our inner critic and allow our anxiety to consume, behave or act in a certain ways. EFT is currently used by millions around the world. In the recent years, studies have shown the limitless and profound benefits EFT can take us when we use it as a healing tool in our personal life.

It is proven that EFT has brought incredible positive changes and reliefs in a variety of problems including anxiety, athletic performance, depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), physical pain and symptoms, phobia, limiting beliefs, weight loss, cravings and addictions. On the flipside, EFT has shown to enhance performance, motivation and self-esteem. What EFT does is intentionally activating these energy blockages by thinking about a painful memory or just feeling your feelings.

Tapping stimulates the body’s own ability to release stored pain of any kind. Once it has been activated, we tap on all of the 10 energy meridians to gradually clear and release this blockage. All of us have 14 energy meridians within our body and in EFT, we will be tapping 10 of them. This is so because a few of these energy meridians are intersections of two meridians and are hence able to impact these meridians. In EFT, the root of your emotional issues are highlighted and narrowed for you to resolve it by learning to address it. And the results are usually spectacular, with physical and emotional pain subsiding to a certain degree or completely in minutes. According to The Tapping Solution Foundation, this powerful technique is also adopted and supported to help war veterans get through PTSD and their anxiety disorders and is proven to be extremely beneficial where emotional distress is the prime symptom.

The tapping allows you to slowly peel the negative emotion away by measuring the intensity of the emotion after each round. It is a profound and sustainable tool you can have access to rewire your brain and strengthen your resilience.

Below are the classic 10 energy meridian points:

• Top of head

• Beginning of eyebrow

• Side of eye

• Under eye

• Under nose

• Chin

• Collar bone

• Under arm

• Inside wrist

• Karate chop

exact location of energy meridians

For the “top of head” point, use your entire palm to “pat” on your head.

For all the “facial” points (eyebrow, side of eyebrow, under eye, under nose, chin), use two fingers.

The “collar bone” point is located just below the "knobs" at the end of each collar bone. Curl your fingers and use a flat fist just below your neck, where a man would knot his tie, and tap on it.

For the “under arm” point, it is located on the side of your body a few inches below your armpit. For a man it will be levelled with the nipple. For a woman, it be in the middle of her bra strap. Use all four fingers to tap on this point.

For the “inside wrist point”, begin by noticing the crease between your wrist and your hand on the inside of your wrist. The point is located three finger below the crease. Use your whole hand to pat this point.

For the last “karate chop” point, it is located on the pinky side of your hand. It would be where you would use as a karate chop. Use all four fingers to tap on this point.

Do note that these points are located on both sides of the body, it does not matter which side you choose. You are also welcomed to change it simultaneously. We will be saying a phrase whilst tapping. A rule of thumb is to rapidly tap on the point while you are saying the phrase. You are looking about 4-6 taps at each point.

EFT Tapping Set Up

Step 1: Identify A Difficult Emotion You Wish To Address With EFT.

A difficult emotion could be anything from anger, stress, anxiety, fear, sadness.

Step 2: Identify A Problem Statement With Your Emotion.

It could begin with, “I am feeling…”

You should be as specific as possible by describing the problem especially with its pain/intensity. Try to isolate each problem one by one to make sure it doesn’t interfere with the other. Identify the root of the problem with its earliest experience than the present problem. For example, you may feel like you are not acknowledged for your good efforts at work, but the underlying reason was that you probably felt that from your parental figures as a child.

Below are some examples of powerful and effective problem statements:

  • I am stressed about my current financial situation.

  • I have a dull, throbbing pain on my right shoulder.

  • My best friend moved away to (city/country) and I feel lonely.

  • I am afraid of being retrenched at work.

  • I have difficulties expressing my thoughts and emotions.

Step 3: Level Of Intensity.

On a scale of 10, take a scan on how painful the memory is or how intense the emotion or pain is,

where 0 is no intensity at all and 10 is the maximum intensity you can imagine.

Step 4: Set Up Your Affirmation Statement.

Begin it with “Even though…” (include your problem statement) and end it with- “I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.”

Eg, “Even though I am craving for the taste of chocolate in my mouth, I DEEPLY AND PROFOUNDLY LOVE AND ACCEPT MYSELF.”

Do note, when saying it, you want to be amplifying the second half of the affirmation statement and not the “problem” bit of it. We do that so we can rewire our subconscious mind to remind ourselves that we are worthy of love and acceptance.

EFT has shifted me profoundly especially when I have physical migraines and backaches in my body. The physical pain was almost immediately gone within 10-15 minutes of tapping. It is an important tool used by many and particularly useful in addressing your limiting beliefs, cravings, addictions, phobias and also bringing in abundance and manifesting the life you that truly deserve. Once you develop the knack of it, you will be able to observe how you can use this tool in various moments in your life for self-healing. It honestly gets easier with time. For simplification purposes, below is an in-depth video that explains the EFT set up and tapping procedure to guide you through adopting this profound healing tool:

Given it a try? Or have any more questions on tapping- do let me know below! I would love to hear from you.

Please note: I am not a medical doctor. This article is published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.

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I am Sylvia— the founder, writer, intuitive healer, and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.

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